Families can now request a digital satellite dish for free

Is your family low-income? If so, know that 439 families from Brazilian municipalities can request the scheduling and installation of a digital satellite dish completely free of charge. The satellite dish is designed to receive satellite signals and focus them on a specific point, where the satellite receiver is located. Keep reading and find out what the criteria are and how to apply for yours.

Federal Government guarantees antennas for low-income families enrolled in CadÚnico

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According to the Ministry of Communications, the family must be registered in the Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government (CadÚnico) and having a traditional satellite dish installed and working.

For these families the installation is free. check thelist of cities!

Digital satellite dishes offer several advantages over sensitive antennas. First, they provide a high quality picture and clear sound, as digital television signals are less tolerant of interference and noise than analogue signals.

In addition, digital satellite dishes allow you to receive a greater number of channels, including channels in high definition, compared to serviced antennas.

In total, it is estimated that 1.5 million people will benefit from receiving digital satellite dishes. São Paulo is the state with the most municipalities with installation kits (163). Santa Catarina (36) appears in second place and Paraná (33) in third.

To schedule the receipt, just contact us by phone 0800 729 2404 or by the website sigaantenado.com.br. On the call or through the website, you must inform personal data, such as CPF and NIS.

Single Registration

The Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) is a Brazilian Federal Government system that collects information on low-income families in the country.

It is used to identify vulnerable families and to ensure that they have access to government social programs, such as Bolsa Família, Minha Casa Minha Vida and Social Energy Tariff Electric.

The information collected in CadÚnico includes personal data of family members, information on income, housing, education, among others.

Families who wish to participate in government social programs need to enroll in CadÚnico and keep their data up to date in order to receive benefits.

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