Plant and harvest easy-to-grow vegetables

For many people, the waiting time can be a little discouraging, so they end up giving up on planting. If you are one of those people, don't worry, instead of giving up, you might be choosing to plant vegetables that grow quickly. That's why we've made a brief selection of some easy-to-grow types of vegetables that will surprise you: when you least imagine it, they'll be ready to harvest.

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This super versatile and very tasty vegetable does not take long to be born, being a good option for those looking for a quick harvest. This is because, on average, arugula takes up to 10 days to harvest after planting. Very fast, isn't it? For these quick results, don't forget that the planted land is fertilized and has good drainage.

Also, water daily, but not soaking the earth, always remembering to leave your little plant in the sun. This way, your arugula will grow quickly!


Another very popular vegetable in Brazil is lettuce. More than that, it is one of the most consumed foods by Brazilians. In addition to being tasty, lettuce is also known for being able to generate a quick harvest: it takes an average of 30 days to harvest. And there's more, because its planting is not at all complicated, nor does it require technical knowledge. It is enough that, when planting, you keep the seeds separated.

Afterwards, water every day, or, depending on the climate you are in, every other day. You will see that in just one month you will have your lettuce ready to eat.


This plant has a super characteristic taste that goes well with several types of recipes, being very versatile. For those who are going to plant, it is a good choice, as the Cebolinha is ready for harvest in just 21 days. However, to get these results, make sure the substrate is made with fertile sand, rich in organic matter.

(Read “Chives: a great choice for those who want to have a vegetable garden with little space” clicking here).

Also, make sure you have good drainage, keeping the soil moist but not soggy. So, in just three weeks you can be enjoying the chives you planted yourself!

If you liked this tip on types of vegetables that are easy to grow, then Click here to read more tips like this one.

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