Planet has a deficit of 44 million teachers

At a time when new humanoid technologies ‘magnetize’, between the well-born and the well-born, the planet lacks anything less than 44 million teachers so that hundreds of millions of human beings can equally achieve citizenship intellectual.

The account of the educational deficit is contained in the Report of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (Unesco) – in a survey carried out in 79 countries across the world. continents and released in October this year, the month in which Teachers' Day is celebrated - by pointing out Sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia as the regions where this lack is most screaming.

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Of the amount of teaching shortage announced by UNESCO, only the region of Latin America and the Caribbean has a deficit of 3.2 million masters. Coincidence or not, the data was released this Tuesday (14), when National Literacy Day was celebrated.

Faced with this challenge, UNESCO believes it is necessary to train millions of new teachers by 2030, a deadline that integrates the goals established by the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations (UN).

In the understanding of the president of the ArcelorMittal Foundation, Tatiana Nolasco, one of the alternatives to reverse this An adverse scenario would be the development and strengthening of the training journey between schools and teachers.

“This UNESCO survey shows the size of the challenge we face. We cannot think about development without comprehensive, quality education. The teacher is the link to connect the student to knowledge”, emphasizes Tatiana.

Still according to the UNESCO study, another serious distortion in the sector is the significant growth in the abandonment rate of teaching educators primary, which rose from 4.62% in 2015 to 9.06% in 2022, due to factors such as poor working conditions, stress and low salary.

Another evidence of degradation of the category, according to the same survey, is that only half of the countries surveyed pay elementary school teachers the same or more than other professions with a similar level of qualification.

Measures proposed by UNESCO to address the problem of the lack of teachers in the world:

  • Greater investment in initial and ongoing teacher training;
  • Mentoring programs that promote collaboration between experienced and novice teachers;
  • Better salaries and career plans.

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