AVOID at all costs these 3 bad habits in the home office

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Many people work from home office these days. Including this work format is increasingly common, whether in large or small companies.

When working at home, professionals avoid physical contact with co-workers and, therefore, are freed from having to deal with some bad habits that can end up harming the company's workflow. team.

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However, not even the home office is able to completely remedy some communication problems that can spoil the work environments.

Below we list three of these problems seen in work-from-home relationships so that you can keep them in mind and avoid them as much as possible. Look!

1 – Give short answers or lengths

In remote work, communication is simply essential. And precisely because of this, when there are no answers or greetings in the right tone among colleagues, some negative consequences can arise.

So always avoid giving short answers or “dry” lengths to your co-workers. Instead, always be friendly and considerate, whether with superiors or colleagues who perform similar roles to you.

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2 – Do not reply to messages

Another common habit that many lazy people practice in the field of online communication and that can affect their co-workers is not giving any kind of response to the messages they receive.

When you only offer silence after receiving a message, it could mean that you don't care about it, causing anxiety in the sender. The least people expect is feedback.

So, in order not to create a misunderstanding, always give some reaction to the message you received or respond clearly.

3 – Start typing and stop suddenly

Finally, an extremely annoying habit in the field of online communication is starting to type a reply, stopping suddenly and not sending any more messages in response.

After all, when we are typing in a conversation, the other person present in the dialogue can know that something is being typed, if he is online and attentive to the conversation. In this regard, if the typist simply stops writing, it may cause concern in the interlocutor. Here, the tip is simple: if you start typing, finish the text and send it.

In summary, always give good replies and greetings, reply to all messages and complete whatever you are typing. Avoid misunderstandings!


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