Stop! 7 mistakes you make with your money that leave you poorer

Many middle-class people, without realizing it, are sabotaging their own chances of getting rich due to unconscious financial decisions. Experts warn that certain habits can be harmful, draining savings and making it difficult to build wealth in the long term.

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According to the founder of Balanced News Summary, Christopher William, one of the most harmful habits is spending more than you earn. “This is a common problem in the middle class, as people are often tempted to buy more than they can afford.”

Given this, discover the 7 financial habits that the middle class should avoid if they want to increase their wealth. Check it out below!

1. Loans and other debts

Experts warn of the loan trap, highlighting the importance of avoiding massive debt.

“Excessive loans and debts can destabilize even the middle class, so try to manage and pay off your current debts before taking on other financial commitments,” advises Jonathan Merry of Moneyzine.

2. Memberships and subscriptions

Many people accumulate memberships and subscriptions without realizing the financial impact.

“It may seem cheap, but when these fees add up, they become significant expenses,” warns Merry.

Assess whether subscriptions are truly necessary and whether they are being used efficiently.

3. Invest in assets that depreciate in value

Spending on items that lose value over time is a common pitfall.

“Being a smart buyer means considering more cost-effective options,” highlights Steven Neeley of Fortress Capital Advisors.

Investing in assets that appreciate in value over time is crucial to building wealth.

4. Cover expenses for adult children

Financial generosity to adult children can put a dent in retirement savings.

“It’s important for them to learn financial independence rather than relying on you,” advises Jonathan Merry.

Stopping financial aid to adult children, if possible, can ensure a comfortable retirement.

5. Disregarding the hidden costs of frugality

While frugality is commendable, being overly frugal can result in missed opportunities.

“Spending a little more initially can save you money in the long term,” highlights Percy Grunwald of Compare Banks.

Assess whether investing in quality can generate savings in the long term.

But, after all, what is frugality?

Frugality refers to the practice of using resources economically and carefully, avoiding waste and unnecessary expenses. A frugal person seeks to maximize the value of their resources, whether money, time or energy, prioritizing needs over superfluous desires.

Thus, this approach involves adopting conscious consumption habits, a disciplined budget and valuing more economical alternatives, contributing to financial sustainability and minimizing the impact environmental. In other words, frugality does not necessarily imply deprivation, but rather a deliberate choice to live in a simpler and more efficient way.

6. Living beyond your means

Lifestyle inflation can harm wealth accumulation.

“Increasing spending in proportion to income can impede effective savings,” warns Dennis Shirshikov from Awning.

Choosing a lifestyle that aligns with long-term financial goals is crucial.

7. Giving in to social pressure 

Finally, spending to maintain appearance can be a trap.

“The ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ mentality has long-term repercussions for building wealth,” warns Dennis Shirshikov.

Avoid spending driven by social pressures and focus on realistic financial goals.

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