Kitchen ingredient is the SECRET item for healthy hair

In principle, cumin is a plant originating in the Middle East and India, which produces small aromatic seeds. Therefore, they are often used as seasoning and natural remedy, due to its medicinal properties.

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For example, the anti-inflammatory, digestive and antioxidant action benefits the hair. Therefore, the use of the spice goes beyond the kitchen barriers and reaches cosmetics, as it offers vitamins A, C and E from root to tip.

Mix cumin and coconut oil

That said, one way to use cumin to help with hair growth is to mix it with coconut oil. After all, it is a vegetable oil that hydrates, nourishes and protects hair from external damage, including heat, chemicals and aging.

So, start by heating the coconut oil in a double boiler until it melts and add the cumin seeds. Then, take a spoon and mix until the ingredients are incorporated and let the mask rest for 4 hours.

These are the benefits of cumin for hair

1. Increases blood flow: Firstly, cumin and coconut oil should be applied when massaging the scalp. These light, circular movements stimulate blood circulation in the region. In this sense, it favors oxygenation and nutrition of hair follicles, resulting in longer dreams.

Makes hair more resistant: then, it also strengthens the strands, preventing breakage, dryness and split ends. While it contains antioxidants, it fights free radicals, making it an excellent natural fortifier.

Reduces the presence of dandruff: As for dandruff and itching, it is worth highlighting the antifungal and cleansing effect of cumin. For this reason, apply the mixture 30 minutes before bath helps control flaking. In addition to being a good solution, it replaces expensive products that do not offer satisfactory results.

Promotes an illuminated touch: thanks to the shine, it gives a luminous touch to the hair, enhancing its color and shine. After all, it provides vitamin A, which helps protect hair from the sun's rays. Therefore, simply use three to five drops during finishing to enhance thermal protection.

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