Direct and indirect object exercises 7th grade (with answer sheet)

Indicate the alternative in which the verb is indirect transitive.

Answer key explained

b) It depended on the generosity of the public.

The verb depend is transitive, because it needs a verbal complement to make sense. As this complement is linked to the verb through a preposition, "of generosity" is an indirect object."Of the public" is a nominal complement, because it complements the meaning of the noun generosity.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) I went and sat at the front. (the verbs went and sat are intransitive, while "afront" is an adverbial adjunct)

c) The newspapers did not publish anything. (the verb publish is direct transitive, because the complement "nada" does not need a preposition, while "no" is an adverbial adjunct)

d) I buy books at the used book store. (the verb comprar is direct transitive, because its complement "books" does not need a preposition, while "no used bookstore" is an adverbial adjunct)

Select the alternative that classifies the highlighted terms in the order in which they appear in the following sentence:

He did a tribute exciting to colleagues yesterday.

Answer key explained

He did a tribute exciting to colleagues yesterday.

"A tribute" is a direct object, because it completes, without the need for a preposition, the meaning of the verb to do (to do something).

"To colleagues" is an indirect object, because it is completing the meaning of the verb to do using the preposition "to" (to do something to someone). "Yesterday" is an adverbial adjunct of time.

a) Released the dog in the park.
"The dog" is a direct object, because it is completing, without the need for a preposition, the meaning of the verb release.

b) The victims of war need of help humanitarian.
"Of help" is an indirect object, because it is completing the meaning of the verb to need using the preposition "of".

c) The manager informed the delay payment to suppliers.
"The delay" is a direct object, because it is completing, without the need for a preposition, the meaning of the verb inform (inform something).
"To suppliers" is an indirect object, because it is completing the meaning of the verb necessitar using the preposition "to" (inform something to someone).

d) Fulfilled the combined.
"The agreed" is a direct object, because it is completing, without the need for a preposition, the meaning of the verb fulfill.

e) I didn't find it the book at the library.
"The book" is a direct object, because it completes, without the need for a preposition, the meaning of the verb find.

f) I doubted of all.
"Of all" is an indirect object, because it is completing the meaning of the verb doubt using the preposition "of".

g) Does that restaurant offer meals to needy people.
"To needy people" is an indirect object, because it is completing the meaning of the verb to offer using the preposition "às". In this case, the verb offer is direct and indirect transitive, because "meals" is a direct object.

h) Explained the matter to colleagues of the room.
"Matter" is a direct object, because it completes, without the need for a preposition, the meaning of the verb explica (explain something).
"To colleagues" is an indirect object, because it is completing the meaning of the verb explain using the preposition "to" (explain something to someone).

Indicate the alternative in which the oblique pronoun serves as an indirect object.

Answer key explained

The verb to play is direct transitive, because it needs a complement without requiring a preposition. What do we play? We play chess. Thus, “chess” is the direct object of the verb play. “In the same club” is an adverbial adjunct of place.

FERNANDES, Márcia. Direct and indirect object exercises 7th grade (with answer sheet).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

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