Exercises on Pronouns for 7th grade (with answer sheet)

The) Madam, it's your turn.
Madam is a pronoun of address.
Address pronouns are those used in contact with people.

B) Some people are not enjoying the show.
Some is an indefinite pronoun.
Indefinite pronouns are those that refer to the 3rd person of speech in a vague or imprecise way.

w) Our project is delayed.
Our is a possessive pronoun.
Possessive pronouns are those that convey the idea of ​​possession.

d) That one film is incredible.
That is a demonstrative pronoun.
Demonstrative pronouns are those used to indicate the position of some element in relation to the person, whether in speech, time or space.

It is) Who did he answer you yesterday?
Who is an interrogative pronoun.
Interrogative pronouns are those used to formulate direct and indirect questions.

f) I I'm going with Ana. He comes with us?
I is a personal pronoun in the direct case. With us is a personal pronoun in the oblique case.
Personal pronouns are those that indicate the subject or complement of the sentence.

g) The matters concerning the

which we discussed, they are already resolved.
Which is a relative pronoun.
Relative pronouns refer to a term already said previously in the sentence, avoiding its repetition.

Answer key explained

Correction: d) They sent several videos for me to edit.

"For me" serves as a verbal complement, so it would be correct to say: They sent several videos to me.

"For me" serves as a subject, so we must use it before verbs, after all, I edit, you edit (and not me edit, you edit).

The main problem in education is the lack of adequate investment. That problem must be addressed urgently and effectively. That It requires the participation of everyone involved in education, from teachers to governments. It is This situation can no longer be ignored, as it directly affects the future of our children. That one What we see in schools today reflects decisions made in the past.

Demonstrative pronouns identified: this, this, this, that.

Identify the sentence in which the word “certain” is an indefinite pronoun.

Answer key explained

In the prayer "One day, I met an old childhood friend that I hadn't seen in years.", the word "right" indicates something vaguely (certain day means any day and not an exact day).

In other sentences, the word "right" is an adjective.

Choose the alternative that correctly classifies the pronouns in each of the sentences below.

I. This Is it that man?

II. The restaurant where We ate it was very expensive.

III. Know who can you help us.

IV. She it did not arrive yet.

a) demonstrative, indefinite, relative, personal

b) demonstrative, relative, personal, indefinite

c) demonstrative, indefinite, personal, relative

d) demonstrative, relative, indefinite, personal

Identify the alternative that contains an indefinite pronoun.

a) They don’t like to lend books because their friends forget to return them.them.
b) If you ask João for the notebook, he O will lend.
c) My beloved said that me loved.
d) It seems like he if hurt in training today.
e) They are selfish. They only think about yes own.

The oblique pronouns are: me, me, with me, you, you, with you, the, a, if, him, si, with, us, with us, you, with you, the, as, them.

When they accompany verbs ending in r, pronouns o, a, os, as become lo, la, los, las, as in the sentence "They don't like to lend books, because their friends forget to return them (the same as return the books).

Complete with the appropriate demonstrative pronouns.

I. Maria, __________ the cake you are eating is from the bakery?

II. I wanted to try on the __________ dress in the window.

III. — __________ sneakers are mine. — said the girl holding the shoes.

Answer key explained

I. Maria, that Is the cake you are eating from the bakery? (the pronoun "esse" indicates that the cake is close to the person I'm talking to)

II. I wanted to try that one dress that is in the window. (the pronoun "that" indicates that the dress is far from the person speaking and the person I'm talking to)

III. — This one sneakers are mine. — said the girl holding the shoes. (the pronoun "this" indicates that the sneaker is close to the person speaking)

Select the alternative that completes the sentences correctly.

I. João, wait, I need to talk __________.

II. Sent you an email to __________ check.

III. She sent a message to __________.

Answer key explained

I. João, wait, I need to talk with you. (2nd person singular, the person being spoken to)

II. Sent you an email to she to check. ("for her" performs the function of subject, therefore, before verbs we use personal pronouns in the straight case: I, you, he, she, we, you, them, them) III. Sent a message to me. ("for me" serves as a verbal complement)

to the my Favorite book is Don Quixote, by Miguel de Cervantes. (1st person singular)
B) Your manual skills are admirable. (3rd person singular)
w) Yours opinions are important to us. (2nd person plural)
d) Your father is an excellent cook. (3rd person singular)
It is) Your Friends are waiting at the school door. (2nd person singular)
f) Let’s go to the park with the our dog at the weekend. (1st person plural)

These are the possessive pronouns:

  • 1st person singular - mine (s), my (s)
  • 2nd person singular - your(s), your(s)
  • 3rd person singular - your(s), your(s)
  • 1st person plural - our (s), our (s)
  • 2nd person plural - your(s), your(s)
  • 3rd person plural - your(s), your(s)

FERNANDES, Márcia. Exercises on Pronouns for 7th grade (with answer sheet).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-sobre-pronomes-7-ano/. Access at:

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