Questions about Taylorism (with answers explained)

Assess your knowledge by answering the following eight questions related to Taylorism. After checking the answer sheet, read the comments to clarify any doubts about the subject.

Question 1

What is the main purpose of Taylorism in industry?

a) Reduce the number of workers in factories.

b) Increase workers’ autonomy in the production process.

c) Promote collaboration between different sectors of the industry.

d) Improve product quality and increase production efficiency.

e) Increase the flexibility and adaptability of factories to market changes.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter d) improve the quality of products and increase production efficiency.

The main objective of Taylorism in industry is to achieve greater efficiency and productivity in the production process. This is done through the analysis and subdivision of tasks into smaller and simpler steps, aiming to optimize the time and resources used. Furthermore, Taylorism seeks to improve the quality of products through strict control of production stages, standardization of work methods and training of workers.

Question 2

(Enem) A flexible-time worker controls the place of work, but does not acquire greater control over the process itself. At this point, several studies suggest that work supervision is often greater for those absent from the office than for those present. Work is physically decentralized, and power over the worker is more direct.

SENNETT, R. The corrosion of character: personal consequences of the new capitalism. Rio de Janeiro: Record, 1999 (adapted).

Compared to the organization of work characteristic of Taylorism and Fordism, the conception of time analyzed in the text presupposes that

a) information technologies are used to democratize labor relations.

b) bureaucratic structures are transferred from the company to the domestic space.

c) outsourcing procedures are improved by professional qualification.

d) trade union organizations are strengthened by valuing functional specialization.

e) control mechanisms are moved from processes to work results.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter e) control mechanisms are moved from processes to work results.

One of the main characteristics of Taylorism is the application of standardized and simplified processes, with constant control and observation of production. According to Taylor, these procedures guarantee product quality and accelerate the production process.

Question 3

Taylorism, also known as scientific management, was a system of work organization developed by engineer Frederick Taylor in the early 20th century. This management method had as its main objective to increase efficiency and productivity in industries, through the application of scientific methods of analysis and control of tasks.

a) Valuing teamwork and collaboration between workers.

b) Reduction in the division of labor to promote worker autonomy.

c) Implementation of automation and robotization techniques in factories.

d) Centralization of decisions and work control by managers and engineers.

e) Encouragement of creativity and innovation on the part of workers.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter d) centralization of decisions and work control by managers and engineers.

In Taylorism, managers are responsible for planning and organizing tasks, while workers must execute them according to predetermined instructions. The goal is to maximize efficiency and productivity, so managers are in charge of the intellectual work, while workers take care of the physical work.

Question 4

(Enem 2014) The introduction of the Taylorist scientific organization of work and its fusion with Fordism ended up represent the most advanced form of capitalist rationalization of the work process over several decades of 20th century.

ANTUNES, R. The meanings of work: essay on the affirmation and denial of work. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2009 (adapted).

The objective of this model of work organization is to achieve maximum efficiency in the industrial production process which, to this end,

a) adopts horizontalized production structures, favoring outsourcing.

b) requires qualified workers, versatile and capable of fluctuations in demand.

c) produces on a small scale, keeping stocks low and demand growing.

d) decomposes production into fragmented and repetitive tasks, complementary in the construction of the product.

e) grants workers an extension of the working day so that they can define the pace at which their tasks are carried out.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter d) decomposes production into fragmented and repetitive tasks, complementary in the construction of the product.

This work organization model seeks maximum production efficiency by dividing the production process into specialized stages. Each worker performs a specific and repetitive task, so that production itself is carried out more quickly and efficiently.

Question 5

Taylorism, also known as scientific management, was a work organization model developed by Frederick Taylor at the beginning of the 20th century. This system's main objective was to increase efficiency and productivity in industries through the division and specialization of tasks.

In the context of Taylorism, select the alternative that corresponds to a central characteristic of this model of work organization:

a) Division and specialization of tasks according to individual skills.

b) Valuing the autonomy and creativity of workers.

c) Encouraging employee participation in decision-making.

d) Reduction of control and supervision over workers’ activities.

e) Flexibility of workers’ functions and responsibilities.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter a) division and specialization of tasks according to individual skills.

Taylorism sought to maximize the efficiency of industrial production by fragmenting activities into simple, repetitive steps. Each worker would be responsible for a specific task, according to their skills and competencies, which would allow greater mastery and improvement of this activity. This division of labor aimed to optimize production time, eliminate unnecessary movements and increase productivity.

Question 6

(Enem) Another important method of rationalizing industrial work was designed thanks to studies developed by North American engineer Frederick Winslow Taylor. One of his fundamental concerns was to devise ways for the productive capacity of men and machines to reach their maximum level. To this end, he believed that detailed scientific studies should combat the problems that prevented the increase in production.

Taylorism and Fordism. Available at: Accessed on: 28 Feb. 2012.

Taylorism presented itself as an important productive model at the beginning of the 20th century, producing transformations in the organization of production and also in the organization of social life. The technical innovation brought by his method was the

a) use of minimum stocks in small industrial plants.

b) lean demand-driven production serving specific market niches.

c) timing and strict control of work to avoid waste.

d) flexibility of the hierarchy within the factory to strengthen the relationship between employees.

e) versatility of workers who began to perform diverse functions in the same shift.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter c) timing and strict control of work to avoid waste.

Taylor defended the idea that working times and methods should be standardized and precisely controlled. Through timing, it was possible to determine the time needed to perform each task, establishing production standards that workers should follow.

Question 7

Taylorism was a work organization method widely used in industries in the 20th century. Although it brought advances in production efficiency, it was also the target of criticism and questioning. One of the main criticisms of Taylorism is:

a) The lack of specialization of workers, who became just replaceable parts in the production process.

b) Excessive centralization of decisions, preventing workers from participating in production management.

c) Stimulating the creativity and innovation of workers, which could compromise the standardization of the process.

d) The reduction of production costs, resulting in better working conditions for workers.

e) Valuing workers' autonomy, allowing them greater control over the pace and working conditions.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter b) excessive centralization of decisions, preventing workers from participating in production management.

One of the central characteristics of Taylorism is the separation between the role of the manager and the worker. As management positions think about how the work will be done, workers often do not have a voice in decision-making.

Question 8

One of the main criticisms of Taylorism is related to its approach towards workers. One of the consequences of this method of organizing work was:

a) Valuing the autonomy and creativity of workers, stimulating innovation in the production process.

b) The dehumanization of work, with the reduction of workers to mere performers of fragmented and repetitive tasks.

c) The strengthening of unions and labor movements, which fought for better working conditions.

d) The creation of a collaborative work environment, where workers had greater participation in decisions.

e) Improvement in working conditions, with a reduction in working hours and an increase in workers’ wages.

Answer key explained

The correct answer is letter b) the dehumanization of work, with the reduction of workers to mere performers of fragmented and repetitive tasks.

As workers do not have decision-making power over their actions and work long and repetitive shifts, it is not uncommon for them to be dissatisfied and discouraged.

To study the subject, visit:

  • Taylorism
  • Toyotism
  • Fordism
  • Volvism
  • What is industry?
  • Second Industrial Revolution
  • Phases of the Industrial Revolution
  • Consequences of the Industrial Revolution

MARQUES, Vinícius. Questions about Taylorism (with answers explained).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

See too

  • Fordism
  • Taylorism
  • Toyotism
  • Questions about Industrial Revolution
  • 15 Questions about Globalization with Answer Key
  • Understand the history of the Second Industrial Revolution
  • Volvism
  • Phases of the Industrial Revolution
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