Commented Spanish questions (Enem)

The Enem foreign language test consists of 5 questions in English or Spanish. If Spanish was your choice and you need to prepare for the test, this is the right place!

Check out a selection of past exam questions resolved, with annotated answers.

question 1


Revolution in architecture China

Raise skyscrapers in 19 days

A 57-floor skyscraper in the call of attention in China del siglo XXI. Unless it was built in 19 days, of course. This is precisely what Broad Sustainable Building (BSB), a company dedicated to the manufacture of air purifiers and equipment, has achieved. It will be equipped for large infrastructures that have now committed themselves to leading a revolution with their own modular architecture model prefabricated. As subraya its president, Zhang Yue, it is an economical, ecological, safe, and clean formula. This last term, moreover, uses it so much to refer to the octopus that is produced in the construction how to the weights on which they wish to circulate under the tables in adjudications and permissions many. “I wish that our buildings illuminate a new era in architecture, and that they become a symbol of luck against the contamination and the climate change, which is the greatest threat to the one facing humanity”, he sentences.

“It's like riding a Lego. Only there is subcontracting, which helps to maintain a bayo cost and strict quality control, and allows us to eliminate also the inherent corruption of the sector”, explains the vice president of BSB and responsible for the international market, Jiang Yan.

Available in: Accessed on: June 23 2015 (adapted)

In the text, some of the benefits of using precast structures in the construction of tall buildings are expressed through the word limpia. This expression indicates that, in addition to producing less waste, the use of this type of structure

a) reduces the labor quota.
b) inhibits corruption in construction.
c) facilitates the quality control of the work.
d) presents a concise architectural model.
e) optimizes building construction costs.

Correct alternative: b) inhibits corruption in civil construction.

When we read the text carefully, we can see that one of its excerpts speaks of "weights on which they wish to circulate under the tables in adjudications and permissions."

heavy envelopes means "thick envelopes", ie envelopes filled (probably with money).

According to the information indicated in the sentence, these envelopes used to circulate by "debajo de las mesas" (under the tables), implying the payment of bribes.

Therefore, the fact that the new architecture is "clean" indicates that it is free from corruption.

question 2


What is the X Solidarity?

La X Solidaria is an equi that helps the most vulnerable people. You can mark it when you have the declaration of the straight line. Es la casilla called "Fines Sociales". We prefer llamarla X Solidaria:

  • Because in that mark, 0.7% of your taxes are earmarked for social programs carried out by the NGOs.
  • because the collective but disadvantaged benefit, without any economic cost for you.
  • Because DON'T mark it, just take a passive attitude, and let the State decide the fate of this part of your taxes.
  • because marking it you become a solidary active contributor.

Available in: Accessed on: Feb 20 2012 (adapted).

Solidarity actions contribute to facing social problems. In the text, the joint action occurs when the taxpayer

a) delegates the destination of its taxes to the government.
b) choose projects that will be tax free.
c) allocates part of its taxes to fund social programs.
d) determines the creation of taxes for the implementation of social projects.
e) selects programs to benefit socially vulnerable citizens.

Correct alternative: c) allocates part of its taxes to fund social programs.

Second text, the joint action occurs when the taxpayer allocates part of their taxes to costing social programs by ticking the checkbox of your income tax stands for Social Fines (social purposes).

In this way, it authorizes 0.7% of its taxes to be allocated to social programs carried out by NGOs.

question 3


the carpenter

Orlando Goicoechea recognizes the woods for the color, which trees have come, what age they have, and which olives know if they were cut at time or at time and if they guessed the possible countertimes.
After so many years of work, Orlando has taken the opportunity to buy a video, and see a film after another.
He didn't know you were crazy for cine le dice el vecino.
Y Orlando explains that not, that it takes place, but thanks to the video it can hold the films to study the furniture.

GALEANO, E. Available in: Accessed on: 18 Apr. 2012.

In Galeano's tale, the expression ni le ni le vienna contains an opinion about cinema that

a) deconstructs the central idea of ​​the story about the importance of leisure activities.
b) contradicts the narrator's perception of Orlando's profession.
c) reveals the narrator's disregard for the office performed by Orlando.
d) reinforces the neighbor's impression that Orlando liked movies.
e) evidences the carpenter's extreme devotion to his craft.

Correct alternative: e) evidences the extreme devotion of the carpenter to his craft.

The correct alternative is the letter e) and this can be verified by looking at a phrase from Orlando.

When he says "... gracias al video can hold the films to study the furniture.", It is clear that the intention of buying a video was not focused on fun and leisure, but on the interest in being able to watch videos on the Internet to learn how to improve your work.

question 4


Emotive meeting at the public university

The Uruguayan mandatary then received the affection of his compatriots residing in Nueva York and informed about the evolution of the country, government policies, advances and pending issues. As in similar occasions, the demonstrations of respect and emotion multiplied. “A nation is a formidable feeling of one nosotros ’,” he says.

Mujica started his speech reporting it collected from other experiences of communities in exile. “Many of us have lost roots, they have children and cannot commit the aggression of leaving life. Tienen to charge with nostalgia for being from Allah, but I'm here”, he says.

“We are in the middle of the fight to improve the circumstances, with the belief that the generations that come, can come with more release, with more support”, says the President.

Mujica referred to some criticisms that receive some social policies. “They accuse us of giving in return. Let us know how to fish, bell to teach you how to fish. Yes — you reasoned with the President —, but when you used the caña, you used the boat, what do you ask? We're going backwards, we're going to adelante.”

Available at: Accessed on: 26 sep. 2013 (adapted).

In the speech addressed to compatriots living in New York, then-President Mujica expresses the wish that citizens living in Uruguay

a) support affirmative public policies.
b) integrate into the globalization process.
c) cultivate the nationalist feeling.
d) offer a counterpart to the nation.
e) have better living conditions.

Correct alternative: e) have better living conditions.

In his speech, Mujica states that there is a struggle whose objective is to improve circumstances so that future Uruguayan generations have more facilities and more support:

“We are in the middle of the fight to improve the circumstances, with the belief that the generations that come, can come with more release, with more support”

With this statement, Mujica's desire for better living conditions for Uruguayans is made clear.

question 5


From such palo, such astilla

When Michael Acuña entered the Academy of Cuisine, in the state of Maryland, he said that he was an excellent cook. Here are his fathers, Manuel and Albita, who were the owners of El Mesón Tico, in Madrid, and, since childhood, Michael in the salía de la cocina.

Ya graduated, he worked in Washington, in Filomena at the Four Seasons, among other prestigious places. When his family returned to his country, Costa Rica, he opened Las Tapas de Manuel, east of San José, the capital, ready to meet.

There is no success to wait: immediate expansion, first, and opening a second restaurant, this time west of the city, with a flamenco platform and a cheerful bar.

More than twenty-five tapas, loyal customers who call one and another time, and a constant quality, testimony to the reason for their success.

ROSS, M. American Airlines Nexos, no. 1, March. 2003.

The title of the text has an idiomatic expression. This expression, linked to the information in the text, reinforces that the success achieved by Michael Acuna is due to the fact that he has

a) studied at a renowned institution.
b) worked in international restaurants.
c) open your first individual venture.
d) focused on the gastronomic roots of their country of origin.
e) lived from childhood in the family's culinary universe.

Correct alternative: e) lived from childhood in the family's culinary universe.

The Spanish idiom "de tal palo, tal astilla" corresponds to the expression "tal pai, tal son" in Portuguese.

Therefore, the title is certainly based on the fact that Michael was the son of former restaurant owners and that he followed in his parents' footsteps in his taste for cooking.

Want to better prepare for Enem? Check out the articles that Toda Matéria has separated to help you:

  • Simulated Enem (questions commented by experts)
  • Text Interpretation in Spanish with Feedback (High School)
  • Main Spanish slang (Spain and Latin America)
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