National Reading Day: date, importance, phrases

O National Reading Day It's October 12th. It began to be celebrated in 2009, after the government sanctioned Law number 11,899, which established this commemorative date. The objective of this law is to encourage reading, in order to inspire schools, libraries and publishers to launch actions and projects in celebration of this day.

Read too: National Children's Book Day

Topics in this article

  • 1 - Summary about National Reading Day
  • 2 - Origin of National Reading Day
  • 3 - What is the objective of National Reading Day?
  • 4 - Activities for National Reading Day
  • 5 - Importance of reading
    • → Video lesson on the importance of reading
  • 6 - Projects to encourage reading
  • 7 - Phrases for National Reading Day

Summary about National Reading Day

  • National Reading Day emerged in 2009, with Law number 11,899.

  • This day was created with the aim of encouraging reading.

  • National Reading Day is celebrated on October 12th.

  • Reading develops reasoning, imagination and critical sense.

Origin of National Reading Day

National Reading Day originated with the

Law number 11,899, of January 8, 2009. This law established National Reading Day and National Reading and Literature Week. Thus, October 12th was chosen for this celebration.

What is the purpose of National Reading Day?

The existence of National Reading Day aims to celebrate reading and, thus, encourage actions in favor of it. On that day, and in the week in which it occurs, educational institutions, libraries and publishers have the chance to put into practice actions to encourage reading, especially literary reading. It is also an opportunity for professionals in the field to dialogue and share positive experiences in this regard.

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Activities for National Reading Day



Reading contest

The teacher chooses some books that will be made available by the school library. She or he must create a schedule and guidelines, so that all students in the class can read these books and take notes on them in a certain period of time. On National Reading Day, at a school event, with fans and everything, questions will be asked to the teams about the content of the books. But there need to be rules, so that all team members participate. The winning team must win some prize.

Reading indication

Previously selected students will have the mission of reading a book of their choice and, on National Reading Day, convincing their classmates to read that book. After each student speaks, a vote will be taken to determine which book the majority intends to read. A prize for the winner is of utmost importance.

Readers' debate

A book with provocative ideas should be chosen for reading and, on National Reading Day, issues addressed by the book should be launched for debate. In this case, the intermediation of the teacher is essential.

Importance of reading

Reading requires time and concentration from the reader. You have to stop to read. There are those who read on buses, in the square, while waiting for a friend at a restaurant. Others can only read at home, alone, in a quiet place. This is because each of us has our own concentration rules.

The habit of reading develops concentration, that is, the ability to focus on a certain activity. This ability to concentrate allows us to carry out a certain action more effectively. Therefore, the person who reads is usually more competent when carrying out everyday tasks or even more complex actions.

Another important consequence of reading is the development of critical sense. After all, readers end up having access to varied ideas in the books that cross their paths. This gives them a broader perception of reality, as they are not restricted to their context of experience. Thus, they become less alienated.

Another important thing is that reading develops our reasoning, that is, it makes us know how to relate facts and ideas to reach a certain conclusion or to achieve a certain objective. Not to mention, of course, that it expands our imaginative power. And without imagination, there is no evolution.

But all of this will also depend on the choices made by readers. Those who only read entertainment works may not develop critical thinking and, therefore, become alienated. Entertainment has its place, but more critical works are essential for us to become good readers, not only of books, but of people and situations.

Video lesson on the importance of reading

Reading incentive projects




Arca das Letras Rural Libraries Program




Professor Fabiana Côrtes Carvalho Pepino


Reading Meter Project

Macuco de Minas State School


Literary Garden Project

State School Professor Ormy Araújo Amaral


Gelateca Cultural Maria Betânia de Carvalho

Local population

Recife PE

Caminhos da Leitura Community Library

Ibeac / Writers


Black Women in the Library

Carine Souza


Reading Opens Doors: because reading makes you free

Roraima Court of Justice


Phrases for National Reading Day

“If the reader has some wealth and a well-accommodated life, he will go out of himself to see what others are like sometimes” (The hour of the star, by Clarice Lispector).

“Oh! Blessed is he that soweth books... books by the handful... and tell the people to think!” (Floating foams, by Castro Alves).

“There are those who spend their entire lives reading without ever being able to go beyond reading, they get caught up in the page, they don’t realize that words are just stones placed across the current of a river” (The cave, by José Saramago).

“When reading, we give a certain attitude to the text, and that is why it is alive” (The rumor of the tongue, by Roland Barthes).


BARTHES, Roland. The rumor of the tongue. Translated by Mario Laranjeira. São Paulo: Martins Fontes, 2004.

BRAZIL. Law 11,899, of January 8, 2009. Available in:

CASTRO ALVES. Floating foams. 5. ed. Cotia: Ateliê Editorial, 2005.

CNJ. Project to encourage reading for teenagers is launched by the Court of Roraima. Available in:

VIVO TELEPHONE FOUNDATION. Reading incentive projects: a tool for social transformation. Available in:

LISPECTOR, Clarice. The hour of the star. Rio de Janeiro: Rocco, 1998.

MEC. Program helped create more than 11 thousand libraries in rural areas. Available in:

MINAS GERAIS. Reading incentive projects are developed in state schools as a way of expanding the repertoire of knowledge. Available in:

OLIVEIRA, Beatriz de. Discover projects that encourage reading on the outskirts. Estadão, São Paulo, 21 March. 2022.

SARAMAGO, José. The cave. São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2020.

Would you like to reference this text in a school or academic work? Look:

SOUZA, Warley. "October 12th — National Reading Day"; Brazil School. Available in: Accessed September 27, 2023.

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