Shaped history: the 6 GREATEST civilizations of the Bronze Age

A Bronze Age, a crucial period between the Stone and Iron ages, marked the beginning of significant advances in human history, such as writing, for example.

During this period, historical civilizations and cultures emerged, contributing to the evolution of human societies. Continue reading to find out below six greatest civilizations of the Bronze Age and understand the impact of each of them!

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1. Akkadian Empire

(Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction)

The Akkadian Empire, an ancient Mesopotamian civilization founded around 2350 BC. W. by Sargon I, it is recognized as one of the first empires in history.

Controlling vast territories in Mesopotamia, parts of Iran and the Levant, the Akkadian Empire played a crucial role in the flourishing of the region's trade routes.

On the other hand, its fall in 2150 BC. W. led to a period of regional decline, famine and drought in Mesopotamia.

2. Canaan

(Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction)

Canaan, centered in modern Palestine and present in the territories of modern-day Lebanon, Syria, Jordan and Israel, was a civilization with roots dating back to the Paleolithic (2.5 million years to 12 thousand years ago) and cities that prospered during the Bronze Age.

Canaanite cities established trade routes with neighboring civilizations such as Egypt. However, the mysterious collapse during the era led to the emergence of the Hebrews and the kingdoms of Israel and Judah.

3. New Egyptian Empire

(Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction)

The New Egyptian Empire, from 1550 to 1070 BC. C., was a remarkable era in the history of ancient Egypt. During the period, the term “pharoah” was first used to refer to the kings of the nation.

With the flourishing of foreign diplomacy and trade, the Egyptian New Empire left a legacy of written records that survive to this day.

4. Minoan Civilization

(Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction)

Founded in Crete around 2000 BC. C., the Minoan Civilization, also known as Cretan, influenced art, architecture and culture throughout Western Europe.

With their palace complexes, gold jewelry and advanced pottery, the Minoans left a mark on history, being recognized to this day for their contribution to the arts.

5. Assyrian Empire

(Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction)

The Assyrian Empire, existing from 2500 BC. W. to 604 a. C., covered vast regions from the Mediterranean to Persia and from the Caucasus to Egypt.

Recognized for their technological advances, including the use of bronze and iron in warfare, as well as an extensive network of roads, the Assyrians were a civilization with a strong military influence.

6. Sumer

(Image: Wikimedia Commons/Reproduction)

Sumeria, founded around 4500 to 4000 BC. C., is one of the oldest civilizations in history. With monarchical city-states like Uruk, Ur and Nipur, the Sumerians helped make the world what it is today.

They invented cuneiform writing, made with a wedge tool, and established the oldest known laws. Its modern art and architecture for the time also left a great legacy.

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