Two drugs have batches collected by Anvisa

The National Health Surveillance Agency (Anvisa) will collect two medicines used to treat throat infections and heard, since distribution and commercialization were prohibited. Check now for more information about what are the medicines collected by Anvisaand why.

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Pharmaceutical companies received specific guidance that, in general, it is not allowed to distribute and market the drugs Zinnat It is Cephagel. In addition, this is a measure that applies to the entire national territory.

About the agency of Anvisa

Created in 1999, Anvisa is an autarchy that has a special regime, with headquarters and jurisdiction in the Federal District and throughout the country. Its purpose is to promote the health of the population. Therefore, it manages the hygienic control of the production and consumption of products and services with sanitary surveillance, including the means environment, processes, inputs and technologies associated with them, as well as the control of ports, airports, borders and facilities customs.

Blocked drug batches

The Zinnat 250mg sachet is a medicine manufactured by GSK Brasil and is only taken with a medical prescription. According to information released by Anvisa itself, the decision to withdraw the medicine from circulation is due to unsatisfactory results in the stability studies that analyzed it.

This medication is an antibiotic used to treat strep throat, ear infections, pneumonia, bronchitis, sinusitis, urinary tract or skin infections. Although Anvisa is collecting some batches, the responsible laboratory said that the drug version is in low demand in Brazil and poses no risk to patients.

The laboratory also said that production will be stopped, with no forecast for resuming the medicine on the market. In addition, it is also important to emphasize that the collection is voluntary, not mandatory.

Cefagel, produced by Multilab, was also present in batches collected by Anvisa. However, the reason behind the recall is that the medicine would have failed in the primary packaging process.

This remedy is an antibacterial agent that eliminates bacteria present in the body. The healing time for an infection ranges from a few days to a few months, according to the medicine's package insert.

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