The controversy begins with the use of a product that contains the formaldehyde compound (formaldehyde or methanol). Applying it to the hair allows you to achieve the so desired female dream: straight hair. It is important to take into account at what price the customer will achieve the expected result, as it is an aldehyde that, depending on the concentration, can be very dangerous.
According to the law decreed by the Health Surveillance Agencies, the danger lies in the application of the product containing a percentage of formaldehyde above the allowed (0.2%, this is the maximum amount used in cosmetics such as shampoos and conditioners and does not pose any risk to the health). It turns out that in this percentage it doesn't smooth. Therefore, products for the progressive brush contain levels above those specified by surveillance.
Unfortunately, many hairdressers without professional training add more formaldehyde to hair straighteners, raising the percentage well beyond what is allowed, some admit using 2 to 4%. The process consists of mixing several ingredients randomly and in any quantity, and the result? It can range from allergies (eye irritation, redness, tearing and dermatitis) to a stage advanced hair loss and the worst, the World Health Organization (WHO) admits that formaldehyde is carcinogen.
ATTENTION: If you have any doubts about the product, do not use it, in addition, call the Sanitary Surveillance agency in your city.
Is it worth risking your health for a passing vanity? It is estimated that a progressive brush lasts a maximum of 3 months, that is, beautiful hair for a short period of time, the consequences of which can harm you for the rest of your life.
By Líria Alves
Graduated in Chemistry
Source: Brazil School -