Find out if your skin is suffering from the effects of pollution

It is already widely known that exposure to Sun rays poses a great danger to the skin. However, in recent times, increasing attention has been paid to the harmful effects of a new agent — air pollution.

As explained by Dr. Paola Pomerantzeff, member of the Brazilian Society of Dermatology (SBD), a series of studies have looked at the impact of pollution on the health and appearance of the skin.

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This result is notable mainly due to the presence of particles and microparticles in the air, which are associated with several dermatological problems.

In this sense, Dr. She commented that such exposure to pollution can have harmful effects on skin health, but, after all, what are the explanations for this? Check it out below!

Dermatologist explains what pollution can do to the skin

Heavy metals and toxic substances present in pollution can cause damage by forming free radicals, unstable molecules that can damage healthy cells.

The process triggers numerous events, including oxidative stress and inflammation. The first effect is capable of accelerating aging, while the second can lead to the degradation of collagen and elastin.

However, these are essential components for the health and elasticity of the skin. Therefore, protecting the organ against environmental pollution is important to maintain its health and vitality.

The microparticles, although tiny, contain potent agents that accumulate on the skin surface, resulting in free radicals and deterioration of the integrity of the epidermal barrier.

(Image: disclosure)

Originating from various sources, such as vehicle emissions, air pollution, industrial activities and forest fires, such as Particles induce the production of free radicals of carbon, nitrogen and oxygen, all of which are harmful to the health of the skin.

According to the dermatologist, the daily skin washing, both morning and evening, represents one of the essential initial measures to ensure skin free from major pollutants.

However, given that smaller particles have the ability to penetrate pores, it is equally important to incorporate routine antioxidant and anti-pollution properties, especially if you live in metropolitan areas or large cities.

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