See the 4 best countries to immigrate and understand the preference

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Starting an immigration is a very difficult task, both for the value sentimental that our country has for us as well as the financial side of change. Therefore, it is important to know which are the best places for those who want to live outside Brazil. To help you make this decision, we have prepared an article with information about the best places to receive immigrants. If you want to stay on top of the subject, check out our tips and do some research.


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Best countries.
Photo: Canva.

Spain is among some of the countries most chosen by Brazilians who leave their country of origin. Some people believe that this is because of language similarity, but this is not always true.

In the country, immigrants find a complete and prepared system to guarantee a good quality of life. With education and health services for children, this is a great option for anyone who wants to have a better life in Europe with family or on your own.

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Best countries.
Photo: Canva.

The Netherlands is also a great attraction for Brazilian immigrants, due to – and mainly – the quality of the mental health from the location. In the country, it is common to meet people who are satisfied with their life opportunities and their local experiences. It has a strong culture when it comes to community life.

This also makes many people want to live there.


Best countries.
Photo: Canva.

Finland is known as one of the best countries in the world. This is guaranteed by the high education of local children and the quality of the Finnish health service. The country is rich in trees. This contact with nature is extremely important to maintain a good quality of life.


Best countries.
Photo: Canva.

If you want to live in an area that embraces innovation while maintaining ancient traditions, Japan is the perfect place. Despite there being a certain cultural barrier, this is a great country for Brazilians. Even more so for those who already have a local lineage.

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