Elon Musk, Bill Gates and Mark Zuckerberg are in favor of regulating AI; understand

Big names in the technology industry, including Elon Musk, from X (formerly Twitter), Mark Zuckerberg, from Meta, and Bill Gates, co-founder of Microsoft, joined in a private session in the United States Senate last Wednesday, 13th September.

The objective of this historic meeting was to discuss and reach a consensus on the need to legislate the Artificial intelligence (IA).

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The meeting was called by Senate Democratic Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, who played the role of questioning businesspeople on the crucial topic of AI regulation.

(Image: disclosure)

Such discussion reveals a growing concern around the rapid advancement of Artificial Intelligence and its implications for society, security and ethics.

With technology leaders aligning themselves with the need for regulation, this meeting signals an important milestone in the search for clear and responsible guidelines in the field of AI in the United States.

Great technology leaders come together

During a press conference after the meeting, Senator Chuck Schumer revealed that, despite differences of opinion, each of the participants agreed on the need for International Intelligence and Artificial.

Schumer highlighted the importance of Congress acting, even in the face of challenges surrounding this rapidly evolving technology. Elon Musk expressed concerns about the potential risks of AI.

At the meeting, Schumer asked those present to raise their hands to indicate their support for AI regulation and noted that the majority of them considered such a measure relevant.

Mark Zuckerberg he shared his perspective with senators, emphasizing that Congress should develop a role collaborative in the development of AI, promoting innovation and ensuring ethical standards and security.

He acknowledged that it is an emerging technology, which implies the need to address crucial related issues. Therefore, he also highlighted that, ultimately, it is up to the regulatory authorities to deal with such discussions.

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