Conjugation of the verb jacarejar

See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb jacarejar.


Type of verb: regular

Past participle: jacarejado

Infinitive: jacarejar

Transitivity of the verb: direct transitive

Syllabic division: ja-ca-re-jar

Conjugation of the verb jacarejar in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I jacarejo
you jacarejas
he/she jacareja
we jacareja
you jacarejais
they jacareja
Past perfect I jacarejei
you jacareja
he/she jacareed
we jacareja
you jacarejas
they jacarejar
Imperfect past tense I jacarejaca
you jacarejavas
he/she jacareja
we jacarejaja
you jacarejables
they jacarejar
Past perfect tense I jacarejara
you jacarejaras
he/she jacarejara
we jacarejára
you will jacarejáir
they jacarejar
Future of the present I will jacarejar
you will jacarejar
he/she will jacareja
we will jacarar
you will jacarejar
they will jacarear
Future of past tense I would jacareja
you would jacarejaria
he/she would jacarejar
we would jacareja
you would jacarejaria
they would jacareja

Conjugation of the verb jacarejar in the subjunctive mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I jacareje
that you jacareje
that he/she jacareje
let us jacarejemo
that you jacarejeis
that they jacareje
Imperfect past tense if I jacaria
if you jacareja
if he/she jacaria
if we jacareja
if you jacarejasses
if they jacareja
Future when I jacare
when you jacare
when he/she jaggers
when we jacararize
when you jacarejar
when they jacare

Conjugation of the verb jacarejar in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


jacareja you
jacareje he/she
let's jacareje
jacarejai you
jacarejem them

Negative imperative


don't jacareje you
don't jacareje him/her
let's not jacarejese
don't jacareje you
don't make fun of them

Conjugation of the verb jacarejar in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for jacareja me
because you jacarejar
for mocking him/her
for jacaria us
because you jacarejar
for making fun of them

Source: Brazil School -

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