Conjugation of the verb pacholar

See the conjugation of all verb tenses of the verb pacholar.

Gerund: pacholing

Type of verb: regular

Past participle: pacholado

Infinitive: pacholar

Transitivity of the verb: direct transitive and intransitive

Syllabic separation: pa-cho-lar

Conjugation of the verb pacholar in the indicative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift I pacholo
you pacholas
he/she is sweet
we cheat
you paholais
they pacholame
Imperfect past tense I cheated
you pacholavas
he/she cheated
we were paddling
you pacholate
they cheated
Past perfect I patched
you pacholasted
he/she pacholoped
we cheat
you pacholasted
they cheated
Past perfect tense I pacholara
you pacholaras
he/she bullied
we would pacholar
you pacholáreis
they cheated
Future of the present I will pacholate
you will pacholará
he/she will pacholar
we will pacholate
you will pacholar
they will pacholar
Future of past tense I would pacholate
you would pacholate
he/she would cheat
we would pacholate
you would pacholarize
they would cheat

Conjugation of the verb pacholar in the subjunctive mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Gift that I pachole
that you pack
that he/she pachole
that we pacholemos
that you pacholeis
that they pacholem
Imperfect past tense if I cheated
if you cheated
if he/she cheated
if we cheated
if you pacholásses
if they cheated
Future when I pacholar
when you pacholar
when he/she cheats
when we pacholar
when you pacholarse
when they cheat

Conjugation of the verb pacholar in the imperative mood:

Verb tense Conjugation
Affirmative imperative


pachola you
pachole he/she
let us pacholese
pacholai you
pacholem them

Negative imperative


don't patch yourself
don't pachole him/her
let's not cheat
do not pacholeis
don't bully them

Conjugation of the verb pacholar in the personal infinitive:

Verb tense Conjugation
Personal infinitive for pacholar me
for pacholarizing you
for pacholar him/her
for paddling us
for pacholardes you
for cheating on them

Source: Brazil School -

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