Beer that fights diabetes? She exists! know more

With five years of studies and research, the product that will be commercialized soon has shown to bring benefits to the health of human beings. A beer contains some compounds that help lower blood sugar levels, also known as glycemia, as well as the level of fat in the blood. It also helps to reduce liver and kidney damage.

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Thus, the State University of the Midwest (Unicentro) signed a contract to license the production of this beer with so many medicinal effects in relation to people with diabetes. The institution is located in Guarapuava, Paraná, around 250 kilometers from the state capital, Curitiba.

This contract to start bottling on a large scale was made with Heimdall Brewery. Licensing consists of transferring necessary technologies to the company, involving even the Fundação de Support for the Development of Unicentro and also the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Paraná.

The product has in its composition bioactives that are found in the rosemary-of-the-field, a plant originating from the South America, growing naturally in countries like Paraguay, Argentina, Uruguay and Bolivia, for example. This plant inspires the name with which the beer will reach the national market, which will be Rosemary (word in English that means rosemary).

The biomedical doctor responsible for the studies on this beer, Carlos Ricardo Maneck Malfatti, informs that licensing is a way to encourage science in the country. According to the researcher: “When the market commercializes the results of academic studies, higher education institutions gain more resources to produce new technologies and innovations”.

Who can drink the diabetes-fighting beer?

Finally, the consumption recommendation for pre-diabetic customers is one unit a day, while for those already diabetics is a little higher, and two units of the product can be consumed daily to combat diabetes.

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