Word structure exercises (with answers)

Indicate the correct order of the morphemes in the word discolored.

Answer explained

The order of the morphemes in the word discolored is:

des- (prefix), color- (stem), -ido (suffix)

Indicate the alternative that contains the radicals of the words bookshop, empedrar and encaber.

a) rid-, emped-, fit-

b) free-, block-, fit-

c) book-, stone-, box-

d) rid-, stone-, box-

Match the lists and mark the correct alternative.

Answer explained

2 (suffix: -olar), 4 (stem: namor-), 1 (prefix: contra-), 3 (ending: -va)

Answer explained

The vowel "o" of the word viajo is a number-personal ending, because it indicates that the verb is in the 1st person singular (eu). The thematic vowel of the verb to travel is a.

As for the remaining alternatives:

a) to live: the vowel "e" is thematic vowel because it joins the stem of the verb (viv-) with the morpheme that indicates the infinitive (r).b) book: the vowel "o" is a vowel thematic because it joins the stem of the noun (livr-). c) luck: the vowel "e" is thematic vowel because it joins the stem of the noun (sort-).

Indicate the alternative that contains the endings of time, manner, person and number of the verb we traveled.

Indicate the alternative that contains the gender and number endings of the noun freguesas.

Which of the alternatives correctly identifies the affixes of the words.

Answer explained

Affixes are morphemes that are added to a radical to change its meaning.

The root of the word international is nacion-, while the affixes are:

inter-, which is the prefix-al, which is the suffix.

Indicate the correct order of the morphemes in the word unfortunately.

Answer explained

The order of the morphemes of the word unfortunately is:

in- (prefix), happy- (stem), -mente (suffix)

Indicate the alternative in which the root of the word is different from all the others.

Indicate the alternative that contains the elements that make up the word kettle.

a) stem: ch-, connecting vowel: a, connecting consonant: l, suffix: -leira

b) stem: cha-, suffix: -leira

c) stem: cha-, connecting consonant: l, suffix: -eira

d) stem: ch-, connecting vowel: a, suffix: -leira

FERNANDES, Marcia. Word structure exercises (with answers).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: https://www.todamateria.com.br/exercicios-de-estrutura-das-palavras/. Access at:

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