20 exercises on Colonial Brazil (with template)

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Test your knowledge with 20 questions about Brazil Colony, divided into easy, medium and hard levels.

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easy level questions

question 1

In 1500, the Portuguese arrived in the lands that today correspond to Brazil. About this period, put true (T) or false (F) in the statements below:

I. The Portuguese arrived in Brazil on April 18, 1500.
II. The Portuguese came to Brazil together with the Spanish to conquer the lands.
III. The main ethnic groups in colonial Brazil were: whites, blacks and Indians.


I. F


I. The correct date for the arrival of the Portuguese in Brazil is April 22, 1500.

II. The Portuguese came alone to conquer the lands. In fact, the Spanish and the Portuguese were rivals during the period of the Grandes Navegações.

III. The main ethnic groups in colonial Brazil were: whites, blacks and Indians.

question 2

The colonial period in Brazil began in:

a) 1530
b) 1500
c) 1600
d) 1589
e) 1630

Correct alternative: b) 1530

On April 22, 1500, Cabral's squadron arrived in Brazil and a period of trade between the Indians and the Portuguese would begin.

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However, given the interest of the French and Dutch in these lands, the Portuguese crown decides to start occupying it so as not to lose it. From then on, the Portuguese took possession of Brazil's natural wealth and began to occupy the territory.

See too: Brazilian Discovery Day

question 3

In the pre-colonial period, the most prominent economic activity was:

a) brazilwood
b) mining
c) sugar cane
d) coffee
e) cotton

Correct alternative: a) pau-brasil

The extraction and sale of pau-brasil was the first economic activity carried out by the Portuguese in Brazil. Later, sugarcane would be implanted.

See too: Brazil wood cycle

question 4

The first capital of Brazil was:

a) São Paulo
b) Rio de Janeiro
c) Savior
d) São Luís
it's Brasilia

Correct alternative: c) Salvador

Salvador was chosen as the first capital for its geographic location, as it was halfway between the northeast and Rio de Janeiro. In addition, it consolidated itself as an important reception port for enslaved people.

question 5

The Treaty of Tordesillas was an agreement between:

a) Brazil and Portugal
b) France and Portugal
c) Portugal and England
d) England and France
e) Portugal and Spain

Correct alternative: e) Portugal and Spain

Portugal and Spain were in full territorial expansion and signed some agreements not to get into a disagreement. The first was in 1479 and, later, when Columbus arrives in America in 1492, it is necessary to negotiate between the two kingdoms the clauses regarding the undiscovered lands.

Therefore, in 1494, both kingdoms sign the Treaty of Tordesillas, which stipulates that the lands found 370 leagues west of the Cape Verde archipelago in Africa belonged to Spain and those to the west, the Portugal.

See too: Treaty of Tordesillas

question 6

Officially, the abolition of slavery in Brazil takes place through:

a) Law of the Free Womb
b) Eusébio de Queirós Law
c) Golden Law
d) Sexagenarian Law
e) Bill Aberdeen Act

Correct alternative: c) Golden Law

The Lei Áurea, signed on May 13, 1888, put an end to slavery in Brazil. It was approved in the Senate and taken to the sanction of Princess Isabel, regent at the time, on the same day.

question 7

About the period called Brazil Colony, check the INCORRECT alternative:

a) Pedro Álvares Cabral's squadron left Spain.
b) The mountain that the Portuguese sighted was called Monte Pascoal.
c) When they arrived in Brazilian lands, the Portuguese said a mass.
d) The clerk at Cabral's squad was Pero Vaz de Caminha.
e) The motivation of the Portuguese was to conquer new territories.

Incorrect alternative: a) Pedro Álvares Cabral's squadron left Spain.

Cabral's squadron left Lisbon, Portugal, on March 9, 1500.

question 8

In 1534, the Portuguese Crown divided the territory into 15 parts that became known as:

a) general governments
b) Treaty of Tordesillas
c) hereditary captaincies
d) Treaty of grantees
e) Sesmarias

Correct alternative: c) hereditary captaincies

The hereditary captaincies were the first attempt to organize the colony's territory and were inspired by the model applied by the Portuguese on the island of Madeira.

Hereditary captaincies consisted of lands granted by the Portuguese Crown to nobles who were to exploit them economically.

See too: Hereditary Captaincies

question 9

The period called colony Brazil ended with:

a) Treaty of Madrid
b) Elevation from Brazil to United Kingdom
c) End of the slave trade
d) Abolitionist laws
e) Gold cycle

Correct alternative: b) Elevation from Brazil to United Kingdom

On December 16, 1815, Brazil ceased to be a colony and became part of the Kingdom of Portugal and Algarves, with the same legal rights. One of the consequences was the possibility of electing and sending deputies to the Portuguese courts.

question 10

In the period of colonial Brazil, other countries that invaded the land were:

a) Spain and England
b) Netherlands and Spain
c) France and Spain
d) France and Netherlands
e) England and France

Correct alternative: d) France and Netherlands

The French tried to establish colonies in Rio de Janeiro from 1555 to 1570. The Dutch were in the northeast in the second half of the 17th century.

mid-level issues

question 11

(Fuvest) In colonial Brazil, slavery was essentially characterized by:

a) by its exclusive link to the exporting agrarian system;
b) for the encouragement of the Church and the Crown to the slavery of Indians and blacks;
c) for being widely distributed among the free population, constituting the economic base of society;
d) for assigning the most painful work to blacks and lighter work to the Indians;
e) for preventing the mass emigration of free workers to Brazil.

Correct alternative: c) for being widely distributed among the free population, constituting the economic base of society.

Enslaved blacks and indigenous peoples were the basis of Brazil's economic growth. All tasks were carried out by these two peoples, and even individuals of low financial condition had enslaved people in their service.

See too: slavery in Brazil

question 12

(UEL) In colonial Brazil, livestock had a decisive role in:

a) occupation of coastal areas
b) expulsion of the employee from the field
c) formation and exploitation of minifundios
d) fixation of the slave in agriculture
e) expansion inland

Correct alternative: e) inward expansion

Cattle breeding requires large tracts of land. Therefore, the Portuguese had to move away from the coast in order to raise the animals and, in this way, they ended up expanding the limits of the Treaty of Tordesillas.

question 13

(Fuvest-SP) We can say about the mining period in Brazil that

a) Attracted by gold, adventurers of all kinds came to Brazil, which made mining unfeasible.
b) the exploitation of gold mines only brought benefits to Portugal.
c) mining gave rise to an urban middle class that played a decisive role in Brazil's independence.
d) the gold benefited only England, which financed its exploration.
e) mining contributed to interconnecting the various regions of Brazil and was a factor in society's differentiation.

Correct alternative: e) mining contributed to interconnect the various regions of Brazil and was a factor in society's differentiation.

Mining contributed to changing the axis of territorial occupation in Brazil, from the northeastern coast to the southeast. It also reinforced aspects of colonial society where slaves worked in mines and masters were the owners of these mines.

See too: Gold Cycle

question 14

(UNIP) After the Portuguese restoration, which took place in 1640:

a) relations between Portugal and Brazil became more liberal;
b) Brazil's administrative autonomy was expanded;
c) the Portuguese Colonial Pact stiffened;
d) the donor captains were replaced by the viceroys;
e) colonial justice came to be exercised by “new men”.

Correct alternative: c) the Portuguese Colonial Pact stiffened;

With the end of the Iberian Union, Portugal decided to make up for lost time and tightened trade measures in relation to the colony. For this reason, there was an increase in fees, a ban on the creation of manufactures and the circulation of certain books in Brazil.

question 15

(Unioeste) On the colonization of Brazil, tick the INCORRECT alternative.

a) Between 1500 and 1535, the main economic activity in the colony was the extraction of pau-brasil, wood then abundant on our coast and obtained through exchange with the Indians.
b) Brazil was divided into fifteen parts by a series of lines parallel to the Equator that extended from the coast to the Meridian of Tordesillas, these portions of land being handed over to a diverse group of representatives of the gentry, bureaucrats and merchants.
c) With the death of the Portuguese king D. Sebastião and his successor D. Henry, Felipe II, King of Spain, assumed the throne in 1580, giving rise to the Iberian Union, which lasted until 1640.
d) With the failure of the captaincies, Portugal decided to replace them and created the General Government with the aim of centralize power in the colony, establishing its headquarters in the Province of Sant'Ana and the capital in the city of Rio de January.
e) The mining activity required a vast slave workforce since the discovery of gold mines, in of the 17th century, in Minas Gerais, stimulating the increase of population and the emergence of countless camps and villages.

Correct alternative: e) The mining activity has demanded a vast slave workforce since the discovery of mines in gold, at the end of the 17th century, in Minas Gerais, stimulating the increase of population and the emergence of countless camps and villages.

The mining activity attracted free and poor men to that region. Although enslaved blacks were present, free people also participated, in large numbers, in mining.

Difficult Level Questions

question 16

(Enem-2016) What happened in Bahia in 1798, unlike other situations of political contestation in Portuguese America, is that the The underlying project did not only touch on the condition, or on the instrument, of the subordinate integration of the colonies into the empire. Portuguese. This time, contrary to what happened in Minas Gerais (1789), sedition advanced over its consequence.

JANCSO, I.; PEPPER, J. P. Pieces of a mosaic. In: MOTA, C. G. (Org.). Incomplete Journey: the Brazilian experience (1500-2000). São Paulo: Senac, 2000.

The difference between the sections addressed in the text was found in the pretension of

a) eliminate the military hierarchy.
b) abolishing African slavery.
c) cancel the metropolitan domain.
d) suppress land ownership.
e) extinguish monarchical absolutism.

Correct alternative: b) abolish African slavery.

In 1798, the Bahia Conjuration or Revolt of the Tailors took place in Salvador. The latter had, among other objectives, the abolition of slavery, the emancipation of Bahia and the increase in salaries for soldiers.

question 17


“When the Portuguese began to populate the land, there were many of these Indians along the coast near the Captaincies. Because the Indians rose up against the Portuguese, the governors and captains destroyed them little by little, and killed many of them. Others fled to the sertão, and so the coast was depopulated with Gentiles along the Captaincies. Some Indians stayed with them in villages that are peaceful and friends of the Portuguese.”

(Pero de Magalhães Gandavo, Treaty of the Land of Brazil, in http://www.cce.ufsc.br/~nupill/literatura/ganda1.html. Accessed on 08/20/2012.)

According to the account of Pero de Gandavo, written around 1570, at that time,

a) the villages of peace were those in which the Jesuit catechesis allowed religious syncretism as a way of solving conflicts between the indigenous people and the Portuguese.
b) the violence against the indigenous people was carried out with the aim of clearing the coast and facilitating the circulation of gold between mines and ports.
c) the Indians' flight to the interior was a reaction to the persecutions carried out by the Portuguese and led to the emptying of the coast.
d) there was resistance by the indigenous peoples to the Portuguese presence in a similar way to those described by Pero Vaz de Caminha, in 1500.

Correct alternative: c) the Indians' flight to the interior was a reaction to the persecutions carried out by the Portuguese and led to the emptying of the coast.

In reaction to the presence and ill-treatment of the Portuguese, the indigenous people abandoned their old territories along the coast and sought refuge in the interior. It was the only way to continue to live without conflict with the invader.

question 18

(FGV-2013) About the Dutch conquest of Northeast Brazil, during the colonial period, it is correct to say:

a) The conflicts between the Portuguese and the Dutch must be understood in the context of the Iberian Union (1580-1640) and the separation of the United Provinces from the Habsburg Empire.
b) The occupation of sugarcane plantation areas forced the Dutch to intensify the enslavement of indigenous peoples, since they did not have bases on the African continent.
c) Established in Pernambuco, the Dutch undertook a strong persecution of Jews and Catholics residing there and strengthened the spread of Protestantism in colonial Brazil. d) The administration of Maurício de Nassau was characterized by pragmatism and the dismantling of the great center of artists and literati organized by the Portuguese authorities in Olinda.
e) The Dutch implemented a new and efficient productive structure based on small and medium-sized family properties, which differed from the old slave plantations.

Correct alternative: a) The conflicts between the Portuguese and the Dutch must be understood in the context of the Iberian Union (1580-1640) and the separation of the United Provinces from the Habsburg Empire.

At the end of the 14th century and first half of the 17th century, Europe was going through a time of change. Portugal and Spain were united under the crown of King Felipe II. However, he and his heirs face the revolt in the United Provinces (Netherlands), which would result in a costly and expensive war.

With the Iberian Union, the Treaty of Tordesillas loses its validity, the settlers venture into the interior and the Spaniards may - when authorized by the Portuguese - intervene militarily in the territory of the Brazil.

Taking advantage of the discontent in Europe, a group of Dutch people decided to seize the sugar region of the Northeast in order to market this profitable product without intermediaries.

This is the historical context of the invasion of the Dutch in the Northeast. They would later be expelled by a Portuguese-Spanish armada.

See too:Iberian Union

question 19

(Enem-2013) There followed twenty servants costly dressed and mounted on superb horses; after these marched the Ambassador of the King of the Congo magnificently decked in blue silk to announce to the Senate that the King's coming was destined for the sixteenth day. In response, he received repeated cheers from the people who joined in, joyful and admired with such greatness.

Coronation of the King of Congo in Santo Amaro”, Bahia apud DEL PRIORE, M. Festivities and utopias in colonial Brazil. In: CATELLI JR., R. A look at Brazilian popular festivals. São Paulo: Brasiliense, 1994 (adapted).

Originally from colonial times, the feast of the Coronation of the King of Congo evidences a process of

a) social exclusion.
b) religious imposition.
c) political accommodation.
d) symbolic suppression.
e) cultural resignification.

Correct alternative: e) cultural resignification.

The feast of the visit of the ambassador of Congo was celebrated in Africa. In Brazil, within the slave context, the commemoration takes on another dimension, uniting the white and black world, at least once a year. It should be noted that the ceremony is the same, but with a different meaning. We call this phenomenon "cultural resignification".

question 20

(Unesp-2015) The finding that “This alliance was reflected in a land policy that incorporated rural concepts both feudal and mercantile” is justified, as the land policy developed by Portugal during colonization Brazilian

a) allowed for the emergence of a broad layer of small landowners, whose production turned to for the domestic market, regarding the implementation of solid commercial partnerships with the rest of the America.
b) determined both a strict nobility hierarchy in colonial lands, and the total and immediate confiscation of communal lands cultivated by indigenous groups along the Brazilian coast.
c) involved both the lifetime assignment of the usufruct of land that continued to be Crown property, and the main orientation of land use for export monoculture.
d) ensured both the prevalence of subsistence agriculture and the spread, in the Amazon region and in the central areas of the colony, of the practices of cattle raising and export agriculture.
e) ensured both the predominance of smallholdings in the Northeast of Brazil, and a regular distribution of land among peasants in the Center-South, with the aim of stimulating export agriculture.

Correct alternative: c) involved both the lifetime assignment of the usufruct of land that continued to be Crown properties, as the main orientation of land use for monoculture exporter.

The alternative shows that the feudal conception of land donation was expressed in the lifelong character of its property. The mercantile character is expressed in the use of land for the exploitation of a single product.

See too:

  • colony Brazil
  • Bahia Conjuration
Brazil Colony - All Matter

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