WhatsApp update introduces advanced text formatting; check out this news!

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O Whatsapp is in the development process, getting ready to launch three new options for formatting of the text of the messages, which will soon be added to the already existing resources, such as bold, italics and strikethrough.

These supplemental tools were recently identified by the WABetaInfo team, in a review of the beta version of the desktop program, which took place last Monday, the 21st.

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News is coming on WhatsApp!

“Code Lock”

One of the functionalities in the testing phase is the so-called “Code Blocking”, an addition that aims to serve a specific group of users of the messaging application.

Through this innovation, it will be possible to share code segments within the platform from WhatsApp, preserving the original formatting in order to facilitate its visualization by the recipients.

This update has significant potential, especially for those involved in programming and other fields of the technology industry that frequently use Meta's platform to share segments of code.

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For this group of professionals, the new feature promises to solve a challenge recurring: incorrect formatting of lines of code that occur frequently when being inserted into messages.

Highlight in text

In contrast to the currently available option, this update will offer the ability to highlight a specific piece of original text that the answer relates to.

This improvement brings with it significant potential, especially in group chat scenarios. with many participants, as well as in individual conversations with frequent exchange of messages more extensive.

creating lists

In addition to the other two previous proposals, Meta's messenger is working on creating lists as an update to the text.

With this addition, the application undertakes to simplify and make the creation of lists within a message more natural, even if there were already previous methods to achieve this result.

Apparently, for now, we will continue without the editing of messages that is so awaited by the public.

At Trezeme Digital, we understand the importance of effective communication. We know every word matters, so we strive to deliver content that is relevant, engaging, and personalized to meet your needs.


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