Is it necessary to skin tomatoes before using them to make sauce?

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It is very common for people to use canned and pre-prepared products when cooking, but nothing compares to good fresh seasonings, right? That also fits the good old sauce of tomato. Do you know it as pomodoro sauce? No problem! The fact is that using fresh tomatoes guarantees a tastier and healthier condiment. Do you know how to proceed with it in hand?

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Should I take the skin off the tomato?

The answer will depend on your current goal, but it's definitely worth skinning these fruits before turning them into a sauce. Removing the tomato skins will make the sauce smoother and less acidic. Many chefs believe they should always be seedless and skinless for dishes where texture is crucial.

See how to remove the skin

Since for some recipes it is really worth removing the skin from the tomato, see below a step by step for you to do it at home with excellence.

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  • First wash the food well and, before placing it in a pan with water, make an “x”-shaped cut at the bottom (the tip of the tomato);
  • Put them in the pan and boil until the skin starts to come off. Count approximately 20 seconds for each of them, as it should be enough;
  • Finally, remove them from the pan carefully so as not to burn yourself (use a sieve) and place them at the same time in a bowl with cold or natural water, but with ice;
  • Once cool, remove the skins and set them aside.

3 benefits of tomato

The versatility of this fruit goes far beyond the taste in dishes. It also has several nutritional qualities. Eating it has several positive health effects. Check out some of these advantages below.

Solar protection

The antioxidant lycopene, abundant in tomatoes, helps protect the skin from damage caused by the sun's rays. One of the main causes of fine lines and wrinkles on the face! Lycopene makes the skin less sensitive to the harmful effects of UV light.

healthier skin

In addition to providing protection, frequent consumption improves the appearance of the skin, reducing dilated pores. It also helps in the treatment of small burns, as well as in the treatment of acne and skin rashes.

It's good for the eyesight

Because it contains significant amounts of vitamins A and C, this fruit is also very beneficial for our eyesight. In addition, it is important to highlight that it can prevent the emergence of eye diseases such as cataracts.

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