Meeting at RN discusses giftedness in the educational context

Foster a comprehensive and in-depth discussion on issues related to giftedness in the educational context. With this objective in mind, the Secretariat for Inclusion and Accessibility of the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), in partnership with the Associação Norte-rio-grandense Support for High Skills/Giftedness, will hold, next Friday (25), the Meeting of Families, Educators and Students with High Abilities/Giftedness of the state (ANAAHSD), in the auditorium of the Block of Classes of the Education Center/UFRN, in Natal, capital potiguar.

With the intention of addressing different aspects of giftedness in education, the event will begin with a round table, from 8 am to 12 pm, which will bring together experts on the theme “High Abilities/Giftedness: inclusion and accessibility in learning spaces”, which provides for the exchange of ideas between speakers and participants, with a view to providing information aimed at creating more inclusive and educational environments cozy.

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In the afternoon, from 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm, a Conversation Circle will open a more informal space that you should explore the challenges, both in the service and in the school experience of individuals with high abilities and giftedness. At the same time, through interaction between families, educators and students, it will be possible to share experiences, strategies and best practices with a view to the full and successful development of these students exceptional.

For the president of ANAAHSD, Ivana Lucena, “giftedness is a complex challenge that requires a collaborative and multifaceted approach. We hope that this event will contribute to strengthening the support network and to improving inclusive education in our state”.

Participation in the meeting is open to all interested parties, including parents, educators, educational professionals and students. Registration, limited, can be made through the link More information can be obtained using the hashtag @associacao.ahsd.rn.

Find out what are the main characteristics of the gifted:

amazing memory

One of the clear signs of giftedness is a memory that causes astonishment among friends and family. Children who, even at preschool age, can remember events that happened months or even years ago may, in fact, have above-average intelligence.

self-taught literacy

Another classic point in people with above average intelligence or giftedness is the precocious interest in reading and writing. In some cases, children can learn to read and write without help and when they are two or three years old.

lack of focus

One of the “symptoms” of giftedness is the child's high ability to be distracted by various stimuli. Of course, for children, all things attract attention and can be interesting and playful, but children with Gifted people tend to get distracted very easily, as they cannot decide what to focus on in a given situation. time.

Chaos in everyday tasks

Maybe the difficulty your child has in organizing toys is not a matter of laziness, you know? People with above average intelligence tend to live in more chaotic and disorganized environments.


Contrary to what one might think, perfectionism is not necessarily a quality. In people with above average intelligence, wanting everything to always be right and perfect can be related to a high level of self-importance.

With information from the website maisconcursos.

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