What is the famous Saturn Return? Find out right now!

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According to Astrology, the sky is in constant motion. When we are born, planets and stars are in a position – which influences our birth chart – and, throughout life, some planets go around their orbits and return to that same place. It is this movement that we are dealing with when we speak of the return of saturn.

Among all the planets of our astrology chart, Saturn has a greater importance. He is the star that represents our insecurities, difficulties and fears, but he is also the one who teaches us lessons and lessons learned. Keep reading and understand more about this very important moment in a person's life.

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What is Saturn Return?

Saturn Return happens when that planet returns to the place it was at the moment you were born. The movement takes, on average, 29 years. It is at that moment that we become aware of our limitations and learn what we can and cannot do.

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In the popular saying, this cycle is commonly associated with the famous “midlife crisis”. It's when you question yourself about your role in the world, your personality, your personal life or your career. It's also that moment when your "chip" drops and you realize that things are not the illusion you thought they were.

What's common?

During this period, people generally become more reflective. It's normal to go looking for new experiences – maybe even a job relocation. It is also quite common for people to go through their lives with a fine-tooth comb, filtering out what they want and what they no longer want.

In the Saturn Return, the tendency is to get rid of superficial things (relationships, activities or interests, for example). In addition, many people realize that it is necessary to let go in order to grow and evolve.

Is Saturn Return good or bad?

It varies, but it could very well be both.

It is often difficult to cut the necessary ties or let go of something that you understand to be harmful to your growth, but that you really like. Also, growing up and maturing is always an uphill task for most people.

However, once you get used to the idea and can launch yourself into the future that awaits you, Saturn Return is quite enjoyable. Furthermore, it is a time when your self knowledgeit is evolved and you are aware of what you want and how you want it. That part is amazing.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.


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