Student Day: challenges of including gifted students in schools

This Thursday (10) is celebrated the International Day of the Gifted and tomorrow (11) Student Day.

The dates promote reflections on the role of students in society and the relationship of children and young people with high abilities and giftedness in the school setting.

According to the Basic Education School Census released by the National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep), in 2022, there were 26,815 students with the profile of giftedness and high abilities in Brazil. This number represents an increase of 3,000 people compared to the previous census.

This fact encourages thinking about the experiences of these students in schools.

Between the Signs that may indicate high abilities and giftedness are:

  • Accelerated learning;

  • Great memory capacity;

  • Creativity;

  • Ease of solving complex problems;

  • constant questioning

Brasil Escola spoke with the mother of a child with high abilities and with a neuropsychologist to understand the reality of these children and young people and share tips that help in the inclusion of these students.

Check also: Students transform cooking oil into biodiesel for school buses in a public school project

Bilingual at age 3: Filippo's story

At the age of 2, little Filippo already knew how to read license plates. The interest in shapes, colors, letters and numbers, both in Portuguese and English, was already part of the boy's life even at a young age, says his mother, Roberta Castro. Both live in São Paulo (SP).

Filippo is a white child and has his back turned in the photo writing on a blackboard
Filippo de Castro Morgado.
Credit: Personal Archive.

"He always had a different development, not only emotionally, but also from a pedagogical point of view, with very fast and efficient logical reasoning, in addition to an extraordinary memory"

Roberta Castro - Filippo's mother

Both for Roberta and for the neuropsychopedagogue Renata Trefiglio from Camino School, "School is by far the biggest problem for gifted students".

Renata explains that thesechildren and young people can feel out of place and challenged for not finding in the school space an environment that stimulates and welcomes their intellectual specificities.

Among the characteristics observed in gifted individuals is the sensitivity in the ears. This was observed at Filippo by Roberta. The boy's mother says that before the pandemic, he studied at a school that had a very small room and there was a lot of playing cards, so it was common for him to always cover his ears.

Filippo is currently in a school that is committed to the inclusion of students with high abilities and giftedness. Activities encourage critical thinking, creativity and problem solving.

See too:Biocurativo is developed by students and the project receives an award from the Young League Challenge

Inclusion of gifted people in schools

According to neuropsychopedagogue Renata, the inclusion of students with these characteristics goes far beyond simply enrolling in a regular class.

It is essential that schools provide research projects and extracurricular activities to allow these students to develop their skills.

"The school needs to seek to meet the individual needs of each student and promote an environment that encourages the full development of their potential"

Renata Trefiglio - Neuropsychopedagogue at Camino School

The process of consolidating inclusive schools for this group of students must rely on the training of educators so that these professionals can understand and identify the characteristics of students gifted.

Renata Trefiglio is a blonde white woman
Renata Trefiglio, neuropsychopedagogue at Camino School.
Credit: Disclosure.

Roberta comments that the absence of initiatives aimed at these students can lead to a lack of interest in school activities and even to underachievement at school.

The mother emphasizes that her son needs specific pedagogical support so that he does not get tired of the activities.

Another issue raised is the difficulty in relating due to the difference in skills.

"Schools think that only the pedagogical matters and that the socio-emotional doesn't make sense, but if there aren't both, there won't be adequate planning for a gifted child"

Roberta Castro - Filippo's mother

A school has an important role in the diagnostic process of students with giftedness and high abilities.

For this, it is essential that the school team is pay attention to student signals who excel in their areas of interest.

Dialogue with the family is important in this scenario to understand the child's development and be able to provide him with the best school experience in view of his characteristics.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

August 10 - International Day of the Gifted

This Thursday, August 10th, is International Gifted Day.

A date was created in 2011 by the World Council of Gifted and Talented Children. The definition was based on an event held in the city of Prata, in the Czech Republic.

The opportunity was a meeting of schools to discuss the subject and think about strategies to promote inclusion for this group in an effective and humane way.

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