Indigenous population in Brazil is nearly 1.7 million

A indigenous population in Brazil it's from 1,693,535 inhabitants, I point Demographic Census 2022. This represents 0.83% of the total Brazilian population.

The number represents a increase of 88.82% of this group in the country in 12 years. In the last Census, carried out in 2010, the population was 896,917 indigenous people. The number of indigenous lands increased from 505 to 573 during this period.

The significant difference in the population is explained by the methodological changes adopted by the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics (IBGE), explains Marta Antunes, coordinator of the Census of Traditional Peoples and Communities.

"Only with data by sex, age and ethnicity and the questions of mortality, fertility and migration will it be possible better understand the demographic dimension of the increase in the total number of indigenous people between 2010 and 2022, in the different clippings. In addition, there is the fact that we expanded the question 'do you consider yourself indigenous?' to outside indigenous lands. In 2010, we saw that 15.3% of the population that responded within the Indigenous Lands who were indigenous came for this declaration item"

Marta Antunes - Coordinator of the Census of Traditional Peoples and Communities.

In the 2010 Census, when people residing in officially delimited lands answered that they were white, black, brown or yellow, that is, they did not indicate that they were indigenous, there was a question extra. The census takers then asked "Do you consider yourself indigenous?".

In the study carried out last year, this question was asked for people who live in other indigenous localities, such as indigenous groups identified by the IBGE, among other types of occupations.

In the last Census, about 27.6% of the population declared themselves through this extra question.

The Demographic Census is a survey carried out by the IBGE with the objective of quantifying the Brazilian population, specifying characteristics of the inhabitants such as race, ethnicity, income and housing. This information is used in promoting public policies for the country.

Indigenous population in Brazilian regions

See the distribution of the indigenous population in the Brazilian regions, according to the 2022 Demographic Census (IBGE):

Map of Brazil with the percentage of indigenous people in each region
Percentage of indigenous people in each Brazilian region.
Data from the 2022 Demographic Census, IBGE.

Do not stop now... There's more after the publicity ;)

Indigenous population in Brazil

Currently, more than half (51.2%) of indigenous people live in the Legal Amazon, according to the 2022 Demographic Census.

Check out the states that are part of the Legal Amazon region in the image below:

Map of the Legal Amazon
Legal Amazon map.
Credit: IBGE.

Image credit:

[1] IBGE collection

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