Activities to teach Finger Names (child education)

Check out the activities to teach children the names of the fingers.

Before the children paint the drawing of the first activity, the teacher teaches the name of each finger (minimum, ring, middle, index and thumb) and plays with the characteristics attributed to them in the image.

The following activities are fixation activities. Finally, the children listen to the story of Little Red Riding Hood, while playing with their finger puppets.

  • O Minimum it's the smallest finger, so it has a baby's face.
  • O ring this is where a ring is often worn, so he has a ring for us to remember his name.
  • The baby grew up and now his name is average, so he looks like a bigger child.
  • The finger indicator it's what we use to point or indicate things, hence the name.
  • The finger thumb is what we use to give the thumbs up, so it has a thumbs up in the drawing.

Activity 1

drawing to learn finger names

Activity 2

finger name learning activity

Activity 3

thumb recognition activity

Activity 4

activity to recognize index, middle and little finger

Activity 5

activity to recognize the ring finger

Activity 6

ink activity to learn finger names

Activity 7

Children paint, cut and paste their finger puppets.

Then the teacher tells the story of Little Red Riding Hood, but as he tells the story and the characters are mentioned, the teacher gives directions for the children to follow, for example:

Once upon a time there was a girl who always wore a cape with a red hood. Do you know what they called it? Little Red Riding Hood. Let's put the Little Red Riding Hood in our indicator.

One day, Little Red Riding Hood's mother prepared a basket with delicious food. Let's put the mom on our ring.

And so on. After the activity, children can use the finger puppets to play and tell their own stories to each other.

finger puppets to paint and cut

Read too:

  • Lesson Plans for Early Childhood Education
  • Activities for children's education
  • Activities for early childhood education (3 years old)
  • Vocal activities for children's education
  • Mathematics activities for kindergarten

FERNANDES, Marcia. Activities to teach Finger Names (child education).All Matter, [n.d.]. Available in: Access at:

See too

  • Activities for children's education
  • Mathematics activities for kindergarten
  • Activities for early childhood education (3 years old)
  • Lesson Plans for Early Childhood Education
  • Vocal activities for children's education
  • games and pranks
  • Toys for children's education
  • literacy activities

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