Children's Education Games: 15 Fun and Educational Activities

Educational games are an important learning tool for children.

Through them, the little ones are stimulated in a fun and spontaneous way, establishing knowledge both individually and collectively.

Furthermore, such games and games can be very useful for the development of independence of people. children, as well as for strategic reasoning, motor coordination, balance and notions of laterality.

It is also a great opportunity to create bonds and strengthen bonds between the participants, contributing to the formation of an empathetic and supportive society.

1. tag

The game called "catch-up" is one of the best known among children. It doesn't need any specific material and it doesn't have a certain number of participants. Also, it can be applied to all ages.

However, a lot of space is needed for children to run. In this game, one person is chosen to be the "catcher", the others must flee, avoiding being caught.

When the "catcher" touches one of their peers, they switch roles and the child who was caught becomes the "catcher".

This activity is great for developing children's sense of direction, as well as agility, reasoning and speed.

2. Silly

"Bobinho" is a game that is very similar to the football game.

In it, participants form a circle and touch the ball to each other. A child is chosen to stand in the center of the wheel and try to get possession of the ball.

In this exercise, concepts such as coordination and agility are worked on, in addition to other motor skills.

3. sensory box

The sensory box is a game that can be played with small children, from 3 to 6 years old.

Here, a box is created containing several elements that explore tactile sensations. It could be a shoebox or a covered cardboard box.

It is necessary to make an opening for the children to put their hand inside the box and feel the objects.

They should describe the sensations that touch gives and try to figure out what the object is. It is interesting that they are elements with different textures, such as sponges, slimes, cotton, etc.

This is a chance to explore the sense of touch and imagination of little ones.

4. run a day

"Corre cotia" is a mixture of wheel play with "cat-etch", where coordination, balance, speed and attention are also improved. It is also an activity that requires the participants' trust.

In it, the children are seated, arranged in a circle and with their eyes closed. Meanwhile, one stays outside, walking behind the wheel. The child who walks has a handkerchief in his hands and sings the song:

Run, cotia, at her aunt's house.
Run, vine, at grandma's house.
Handkerchief in hand, fell to the ground.
Beautiful girl of my heart.
I can play? (Others answer: Yes!)
Will anyone look? (the others answer: No!)

At the end of the song, the scarf is left behind one of the colleagues who is in the roda.

Everyone looks back to see if the scarf is there. If so, the child gets up and runs after the one who left the object.

The place that was left empty is filled by the "singer" and the chosen child becomes the next one to sing the song. So the game starts again.

5. Hot or cold

"Hot or cold" play can be played indoors, such as classrooms, or outdoors, such as parks and gardens.

In this activity, one child is blindfolded while the others hide an object. Then, the chosen child starts looking for such an object and receives tips from peers through the words "hot" or "cold".

The closer you are to finding the object, the "hotter"; whereas the farther away, the "colder". Therefore, it is also possible to use variations such as "ice cream" or "on fire".

Strategy and logic are fundamental elements for the participant's success here. In addition, team spirit is also improved, as the children need to decide together where to hide the object and how to guide their peer.

6. Jumps rope

There are several songs and challenges proposed in jumping rope games.

In it, two participants beat the rope, one on each side and singing popular songs that provide guidance for a third child to jump the rope. The activity is good for health, it also works with agility and attention.

A very well known song is:

Ladies and gentlemen, put your hand on the floor
Ladies and gentlemen, jump on one foot
Ladies and gentlemen, take a spin
And go to the street

7. Statue

A nice game for the development of balance, attention and patience is the "statue". There is music on it for the whole class to dance.

When the children are very loose and relaxed, having enjoyed the moment of relaxation, the music stops.

In the absence of music, participants must immediately stop moving, staying in the same position they are in, like statues.

The child who manages to remain still for the longest time wins the game.

8. Dragon

"Dragon" or "dragon's tail" is a game to be played mainly with younger children, aged 3 years.

A line is formed with the little ones, who must place their hands on the shoulders of their colleagues. The first child in line will be the "head" of the dragon and the last, the tail.

Thus, the "head" will try to catch the "tail", while the "body" (that is, the other children) will move along with the "head".

In addition to being a lot of fun, the activity works on the team spirit of the class, as well as strategy, attention, balance and interaction.

9. dead and alive

The game "Dead and Alive" is a good way to exercise concentration and balance in the little ones. It is suitable for children over 5 years of age and can be held anywhere with enough space.

In it, one of the participants is chosen to lead the game, while the others form a line, one next to the other.

The chosen child will give guidance to peers with the words "dead" and "alive". When they hear "dead", participants should crouch, when they hear "alive", they should get up.

The game becomes more complex as the commands become faster. So children need to pay close attention. Those who fail to follow the instructions are eliminated, whoever comes last wins.

10. balance on the rope

The rope can be used in many activities and games. With it, it is possible to work on motor coordination, body awareness, laterality, balance and muscle tone.

One idea is to trace a path on the ground with the rope (which should be long enough, 3-5 meters) and suggest that the children walk on it. They can even open their arms for more stability.

The exercise also parallels the circus arts, as it resembles a tightrope. Thus, videos of circus activities can be presented as inspiration for children.

11. Full-size self-portrait

Now a game that involves self-esteem and artistic skills and creativity. It will be a life-size self-portrait, made from the children's silhouettes.

They should lie on sheets of craft paper large enough to fit their entire body. The adult who will be conducting the activity will draw the outline of the participants' bodies with a marker pen.

Afterwards, the paper is cut and each child will have to draw themselves, including their characteristics and thus working on their self-image, acceptance, self-love and self-observation.

Gouache paint, collages, pens and other available materials can be used.

12. obstacle course

The obstacle course is a game that can be done as a kind of competition. The adult conducting the exercise will be able to time the time it takes the children to complete the course.

The suggestion is to create an obstacle course for children to cross. The materials used can be tires, ropes, broomsticks and other elements that are available.

In this game, body awareness, laterality, coordination, balance and agility are improved.

13. Hide and seek

"Hide and Seek" is a game in which one of the participants closes their eyes and counts up to a pre-arranged number. Meanwhile, colleagues are hiding.

At the end of the count, the child starts looking for his colleagues and when he sees one of them, he runs to the spot where the count was made and says the name of the player found.

Children who manage to reach the pike site without being seen should say "1, 2, 3...(your name)". So, the last one to be caught will be the next one to count and try to find the others.

This game can be played by children as young as 8 years old and encourages logical and strategic thinking, as well as speed and observation. It is also a fun opportunity for interaction between children.

14. take potatoes

For children from 3 to 5 years old, the game "catch potatoes" can be done. In it, the adult who proposes the activity must take some sheets of paper and crumple them into balls the size of potatoes.

These "potatoes" should be hidden and the children separated into two groups. Each group receives a basket and goes looking for the potatoes. The team that manages to find the most potatoes wins the challenge.

The task ends up exercising cooperation, team spirit, reasoning and agility.

15. Hopscotch

"Amarelinha" is one of those traditional games that kids have a lot of fun with. The proposal is to draw a diagram on the floor containing squares numbered up to 10.

In the design there are single squares and in pairs. Near the number 1 there is a half moon where the word "sky" is written. Near the number 10 there is also a semi-circle with the word "hell".

The child throws a pebble in one of the squares and starts to jump in the houses, being able to put only one foot in each one of them and disregarding the house where the pebble is.

She must balance herself, pick up the rock and continue jumping to the end, taking care not to step inside the place written "hell".

In this game many skills are worked, such as learning numbers, coordination for drawing, spatial awareness, balance and strength.

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