Contemporary Industry in Brazil. Industry in Brazil

For a long time, Brazil was highlighted only in the primary sector, with agriculture and livestock and extractivism (vegetable, mineral and animal). After consecutive economic crises, Brazil is currently considered one of the most industrialized countries, which is why it occupies the fifteenth place in this segment on a global scale.

The intensification of Brazilian industry makes the country have an enormous and varied industrial park that produces from consumer goods to the latest technology.

The configuration as an industrialized country does not reflect the national reality, because industrialization does not occur homogeneously in the country. finds irregularly distributed in the territory, where some areas are densely industrialized and others practically devoid of this economic activity.

The greatest concentration of Brazilian industries is located in the Southeast, mainly in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais, states where the industrialization process began. The aforementioned states have modern and diversified industrial parks that work most prominently in the production of chemical products, in addition to the automobile industry and state-of-the-art technology.

Another region that occupies great prominence on the national scene is the South Region. Second place in industrialization, this portion of the country develops industries that operate especially in the processing of primary products, an activity called agribusiness, which plays an important role in national economy. The South Region also stands out in the production of parts and metallurgy.

In the Southeast, the industrial base is linked to traditional products, such as textile, alcohol and sugar production. However, the industrial park in this region has recently entered a process of modernization and diversification of the industry.

The North and Center-West are the regions with less expression in the country's industrial sector, as they are limited to agroindustry and extractivism.

In recent years, the Brazilian economy has been marked by the privatization of state companies in the areas of mining, banking and telecommunications. Despite Brazil facing several social problems, the country is developing and occupying a prominent place on the international scene.

By Eduardo de Freitas
Graduated in Geography

Source: Brazil School -

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