Stay on top of the controversial Rouanet Law

Surely you've heard of the Rouanet Law. Main mechanism for promoting culture in Brazil that is always involved in some controversy.

However, generally, these debates tend to arise due to a lack of knowledge of how the law actually works. The official name is Federal Law of Incentive to Culture, but became better known by the name of its creator, Sergio Paulo Rouanet, Secretary of Culture during the Collor Government in 1991.

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The law, very succinctly, allows individuals and companies to carry out financing for cultural activities, and that, according to a study 2018 promoted by Fundação Getúlio Vargas (FGV), showed that the Rouanet Law has a return of approximately R$1.59 for each real invested.

To take advantage of the Rouanet Law, everything starts with joining the Support System for the Culture Incentive Law. In the first stage, the producer needs to present a summary of what the project is about. The second part is up to the National Committee for Cultural Incentives, responsible for approving or rejecting the submitted projects.

Each of the projects is analyzed and approved to verify if they are able to fit the benefits of the law in question. question, therefore, in the third stage, the artist or cultural producer can look for partners to finance the project.

With all this done, the person responsible for the project is obliged to present all the notes and costs proving where and for what the money was used, through invoices and other means of proofs. No less important for the project to work, the law has one more requirement: it is necessary to have direct feedback to the public and this can happen in different ways, both through donations and discounts applied directly to tickets for shows or presentations theatrical.

So, did you like to learn a little more about the controversial Culture Incentive Law? Leave your comment.

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