Find out which professions have vacancies in Brazil

Many areas in the job market have been increasingly saturated, and with many professionals and few vacancies, many people end up needing to be employed in other areas. However, there are some professions that lack professionals, and if you seek security of job in the future, it is worth knowing what they are. Thinking about it, we separate some professions that have vacancies left. See what they are here.

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5 professions with vacancies left

Choosing the right profession is always a very difficult task. It is important to analyze which one fits your profile, without forgetting to analyze the job market. Therefore, if you seek security for your future, it is good to analyze which are the professions with a shortage of professionals in Brazil.

With that in mind, I invite you to read until the end some of the professions in which you won't have a problem with vacancies and to analyze which one you most identify with to pursue a career.

1 – IT Analyst

More than 30% of vacancies in the IT area in the country are destined for analysts, after all, this is the professional responsible for the entire network of company computers, from implementing systems to increase and solve problems with productivity and security, to maintenance of these systems. His average salary is R$3,115.00, but it can go up to R$4,641.00. The specific course to work in the area is Systems Analysis and Development.

2 – Nursing Technician

With a high demand for professionals, the health area is a great place to pursue a career. The nursing technician is the professional who offers support to the nurse, helps in the control and prevention of diseases, in addition to monitoring patients who are in serious condition. His minimum salary is R$ 1,822.00, which can reach R$ 3,500.00 in renowned hospitals.

3 – Digital Agronomist Engineer

The digital agronomist is the one who introduces technological systems into production. Therefore, this professional needs to be knowledgeable in technology and know the complexities of a large-scale production. Salaries for this professional can reach R$ 7,500.00.

4 - Price Analyst

This professional has the role of assisting companies in the strategies to follow to define their prices, seeking with them to make the company competitive in the market while achieving the highest profit margins possible. Your average salary can vary from R$ 3,000.00 to R$ 9,000.00 per month, depending on the experience and size of the company. To work in the area, you must have a bachelor's degree in finance, accounting or a related management specialization.

5 – Sales of Solar Energy Systems

Many companies are looking for this professional, however, it is difficult to find people who understand about the solar energy system and the products it has. Your average salary can reach R$ 10,000.00.

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