ChatGPT trainers make just $15 an hour

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ChatGPT and other Artificial Intelligence tools that have gained prominence recently are based on a new model of machine learning that has been revolutionizing the technology market in the world.

In short, these systems are fed with information sent in by trainers who literally teach the AIs to identify and select information for themselves.

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For that reason, when sending a command prompt to ChatGPT and the like, it feels like you've entered a conversation with a human being.

As can be seen, the job of training artificial intelligence is, in addition to being complex, quite important, especially now that these systems are on the rise.

However, a report issued by NBC News points out that the average salary received by professionals in the area in the United States currently hovers around US$15 an hour, which is less than half of the country's "minimum wage", which is around US$ 33,20.

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In an interview with the broadcaster, AI coach Alexej Savreux, who claims to have worked for OpenAI, which owns ChatGPT, made a point of stressing the importance of this activity. “We are important. There would be no AI language systems without us,” he said.

“You can design all the neural networks you want, you can involve all the researchers you want, but without scripters (AI trainers), you don't have ChatGPT. You have nothing,” he stated categorically.

More details about the AI ​​trainer role

In “data labeling”, which is the training or teaching of machines, professionals expose information to artificial intelligences, indicating the data that they must “memorize” at a time.

With the repetition of this process, the systems become more and more autonomous, crossing taught information and giving increasingly complex answers.

In addition, AI trainers also teach machines to communicate like humans, to talk about any topic and answer complex questions.

Still according to the NBC News report, in addition to receiving wages below what they should, AI trainers also do not have some rights preserved, which is especially worrying.

Sought to talk about the matter, OpenAI preferred not to comment on Alexej Savreux's speeches. The company reserved to say that it is starting to assemble its fixed team of moderation for AI now, as previously it only worked with outsourced labor.

Graduated in History and Human Resources Technology. Passionate about writing, today he lives the dream of acting professionally as a Content Writer for the Web, writing articles in different niches and different formats.

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