New 'superconductor' created in South Korea will be REVOLUTIONARY, say experts

It may be that the world as we know it, as well as technology and society in general, will take a giant step forward with this new invention from South Korea.

Researchers in the country announced that they are developing a superconductor of electricity at ambient pressure and temperature. Keep reading and find out why this is being celebrated as revolutionary!

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What's so special about South Korea's superconductor?

Existing superconductors transmit electricity without resistance and have properties magnetic that are of good use for technology. However, more commonly, they need to be chilled to very low temperatures. Thus, their use is restricted to very controlled environments.

A superconductor that works at ambient temperature and pressure, that is, outside laboratories or environments that are almost inhospitable and difficult to maintain, will make our technology advance a lot in a short time time.

Too good to be true

It turns out that some time ago, other people tried to create a superconductor that operated under these conditions. The result, as you can imagine, was not the best possible. But this time it seems to have worked!

The scientists responsible for the research wrote an article about the discovery. The text was sent to the arXiv preprint server and is awaiting review for publication in a scientific journal.

From then on, we will be able to take the invention as something real, palpable and, above all, applicable in our daily lives.

What changes from this superconductor to the previous ones?

According to the Olhar Digital website, one of the most important aspects for superconductivity is the temperature, which must be below which the material becomes a superconductor.

The invention of scientists South Korea is made with modified lead-apathy (LK-99). This material, as stated in the research, has this value at approximately 127ºC. In other words, it could be used almost anywhere.

In addition, information from the IFLScience website points out that this material also does not need a lot of pressure to be used. According to Sukbae Lee, Ji-Hoon Kim and Young-Wan Kwon, authors of the study, the material can be applied to various everyday objects.

“The LK-99 has many possibilities for various applications, such as magnet, motor, cable, levitation train, power cable, qubit for a quantum computer, THz antennas, etc. We believe that our new development will be a new historical event that opens a new era for humanity,” they write.

Graduated in Social Communication at the Federal University of Goiás. Passionate about digital media, pop culture, technology, politics and psychoanalysis.

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