How to control your urge to eat junk food?

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Surely it has happened to you to have that huge urge to eat junk food and go out looking for something in the kitchen. When the urge doesn't pass, we end up allowing ourselves to enjoy the instant pleasure of tasting these goodies. However, in addition to the calories and fat that increase the risk of fatty plaque buildup, this practice also increases high cholesterol and creates other health risks. So stay tuned and avoid falling into the temptation to eat nonsense when you feel like it.

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Learn to reduce the desire to eat sweets

According to health scientists, it is important to identify whether the desire to eat a certain food comes from a biological need, a feeling of hunger or a compensation that the body asks for in a certain time.

For these scholars, some cravings for junk food are triggered by emotional stimuli, followed by physical stimuli (where the brain begins to imagine what food is like).

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Thus, the moment that person knows the motives and origins of these desires, he begins to control himself and eat with maximum moderation to avoid overeating. However, there are still some tips to help you not fall into temptation. See below!

Do not buy sweets and “nibbles”

Often, this treat is given by a friend or family member, or even brought home by a child. But it's easier to resist if you don't have chocolate on your table, right? Instead of chocolates and biscuits, it is recommended to have fruits such as prunes, apples, bananas, cereal bars or even proteins at your fingertips.

organize meals

You've certainly heard that eating at shorter intervals is a great strategy to avoid ′′ snacking ′′ between meals. Nutritionists explain that, thus, the body does not store energy. Also, if you snack after breakfast, you won't be as hungry at lunch, for example, so you'll eat less.

When choosing what to eat and take to places, prioritize whole foods. Whole wheat flour, unlike white flour, is a complete carbohydrate and will make you feel fuller as it takes longer to absorb.
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