Cats are usually, on average, 25 centimeters tall and 46 in length when adults. Despite being small, these normal cats become true giants close to the tinker toy, the smallest cat in existence. That's because this cat, which has been the title of smallest cat in the world for a few years, is only 7 centimeters high and 19 long, a true miniature.
This cat comes from the United States and causes an uproar on the internet. Many even doubt its size, thinking it's an internet trick. However, it exists and has its own characteristics. Meet!
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Is Tinker Toy a cat breed?
No! The Tinker Toy cat is a cat that was born different, a few inches shorter, just as some people are shorter than others. In fact, the breed of this cat is the Himalayan breed, which is similar in size to other cats, without much difference.
So much so that, at birth, he was much smaller than his brothers, which already showed that there was something different about this particular cat. By the way, this kitten had no less than six siblings, and all the other 5 were the normal size. Curious, isn't it?
He was sick?
Neither! Many feel that his size is due to some kind of special condition and that, consequently, he should certainly have many trips to the vet. However, it was the opposite. Tinker Toy grew up healthy, actively playing with her siblings and without any health problems other than those common to cats.
Thus, Tinker Toy lived 6 very healthy years, in addition to dying at an age relative to his brothers and common to cats of this breed. Thus, as soon as it was born and the difference in size with the other cats was noticed, the Guinness Book was activated to register it as the smallest cat in the world. And so this record has been maintained for six years, since, since then, no other smaller cat has appeared.
Have you ever seen an adult cat this small?