Proposal that seeks the end of IPVA can be analyzed by the Federal Senate

Anyone who owns a vehicle is used to having to pay an amount of IPVA every year, which is the tax on the car. However, there is an idea going on in the legislature to end this type of tax.

But before giving further explanations, it must be said that this is a legislative idea, that is, it is a proposal presented by an ordinary citizen and sent to the Federal Senate. Therefore, it does not have the same weight as a Constitutional Amendment.

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The legislative idea is available for discussion and voting on e-citizenship, and if in a period of 4 months it has more than 20,000 favorable manifestations, it becomes a Legislative Suggestion. From this, it can become a law if voted in the responsible institutions.

In the case of the end of the IPVA, in 2019 it was a legislative idea, but is now being analyzed by the responsible committees. In all, there are three proposals that still need to be analyzed, and at this moment it is still not possible to predict whether or not they will be approved.

If the idea is approved at this stage, it goes to the Federal Senate and then to the Chamber of Deputies. If approved at all these stages, it ends up in the hands of the President of the Republic for sanction.

The main argument for the end of the tax is that the driver is paying a lot of tax on fuel and automotive products. The idea still has a long way to go, and it should take a long time for us to know the result of this vote.

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