2020 News: Topics from Brazil and the world that may be on the Enem

Being well informed is the main tool to do well in any competition and in the Enem, however, the amount of content to study does not allow the student to have time to follow the news of the Brazil and the world.

Therefore, we selected some themes that can fall on the Enem, in entrance exams and in contests.

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News in Brazil

check the main news topics in Brazil in 2020:


A education Brazilian was a widely publicized topic due to the Ministers' choices and the changes in the portfolio.

The formation of a undersecretary to boost the creation of military schools was one of the first acts of the Ministry of Education.

Then, the government showed interest in extinguishing the disciplines of human sciences, such as sociology It is philosophy, of the school curriculum.

In April 2019, the standardization of the home schooling. This measure generated revolt in several teachers who stated that the learning process involves the

socialization and not just the content.

In May of the same year, the then Minister of Education, Abraham Weintraub, announced the contingency of 30% of funds for public universities.

This action caused revolt among students and education professionals, who organized protests that involved university students, public and private basic education and supporters of education.

Permission to carry weapons

One of the main proposals defended in the electoral campaign of the then president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, was the liberation of carrying and possessing weapons in the country.

Asserting that ordinary citizens have the right to defend themselves if they need to, the president promised that granting access to weapons would be one of his first achievements.

After being elected, Bolsonaro supported bills that allowed access to guns. However, he was unable to ensure that such projects were approved.

On the other hand, the president approved several decrees aimed at facilitating the right to carry a gun for several professionals.

At the same time, the amount of ammunition has also increased and some models, which were previously exclusive to Armed forces, have become more accessible.

labor reform

A labor reform entered into force in November 2017, during the government of Michel Temer. Among the changes we can mention:

  • Workday of up to 12 hours;
  • Commuting time to work is no longer considered working time;
  • Vacations were divided into up to 3 times.

Bolsonaro government

Jair Bolsonaro was sworn in as President of Brazil on January 1, 2019.

The beginning of her government was marked by the reduction of Ministries and by delicate statements made by the Minister of Women, Family and Human rights, Damares Alves, and by the first Minister of Education, Ricardo Vélez Rodríguez.

At the same time, the president was heavily criticized for encouraging the military to celebrate the 1964 civil-military coup.

The then president has been collecting controversies regarding his attitude towards the pandemic of new coronavirus.

indigenous question

Already in the first year of Jair Bolsonaro's term, the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) is no longer linked to the Ministry of Justice, being transferred to the Ministry of Women, Family and Human Rights Humans.

Its competence was emptied, as it lost the power to demarcate indigenous lands. This function was transferred to the Ministry of Agriculture, Livestock and Supply.

Bolsonaro has already come to defend the agricultural and mineral exploitation of indigenous reservations.


Intolerance is an issue that is being debated more and more. Racial, sexual and religious intolerance has grown in Brazil.

At the same time that religious diversity gains more followers, discrimination also increases.

This reality meant that January 21 was chosen to celebrate the National Day to Combat Religious intolerance.


O bullying is a problem present in schools in Brazil. The International Student Assessment Program (PISA) 2015 announced that, out of ten students, one is a victim of bullying.

O bullying is violence (psychological or physical) committed and suffered by students in the school environment.

Generally, victims of bullying suffer persecution because of their social class, race, physical appearance or sexual orientation.

Current affairs in the world

Below, check out the main topics of current affairs in the world in 2020:

Coronavirus or Covid-19

The new coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, is a virus that, according to some indications, emerged in the China.

Highly contagious, Covid-19 shows its most violent face in patients who have health problems, such as diabetes, breathing problems and obesity.

The virus is believed to have originated from a market that trades wild animals and seafood.

The whole world quickly became vulnerable to this virus, which claimed thousands of victims. Because it is unknown, the treatment of this disease and the vaccine are researched by scientists around the world.

In order to prevent the disease from spreading, numerous countries have decreed quarantine, with the suspension of classes and the closure of shops.

In March 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) rated the Epidemic of the new coronavirus as a pandemic, due to its reach.


Brexit is a term that sums up the exit from UK from the European Union. In June 2016, a majority of Britons voted in favor of leaving the country from the European political and economic bloc.

The process ended in January 2020. From then on, all UK treaties will have to be renegotiated.

terrorist attacks

The year 2019 was marked by the occurrence of several terrorist attacks. In February, a convoy of Indian security forces was attacked by Pakistanis.

In March 2019, two mosques in New Zealand were attacked by right-wing extremists, which killed 50 people.

In Sri Lanka, two churches and several hotels were attacked by terrorists muslims on the sunday of Easter. The attack claimed more than two hundred victims.

american presidential elections

The American presidential elections mobilize the whole world due to the influence of U.S on the economic and political plane of the countries.

The US election campaign is marked by two political parties, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

It is essential to be informed about the US electoral system and the flags raised by candidates Joe Biden (Democrat) and Donald Trump (Republican).

refugee crisis

A refugee crisis is considered by the United Nations (UN) as the worst humanitarian crisis of the century.

Coming mainly from countries in the Middle East and Africa, you refugees leave their countries due to the intense civil wars that affect them. Such displacements occur by land or sea in precarious conditions.

fake news

fake news is the term used to refer to false news conveyed mainly by social networks.

Generally, they are created to defame the individual belonging to a political party or civil movement.

To the fake news are present everywhere in the world. Because they are disseminated extremely quickly, they help candidates in election campaigns.

That is why it is important to question the news that is published without the signature of a journalist and seek information from reliable sources.

Learn more at:

  • 10 KILLER Tips for Studying for the Enem
  • Writing – Learn the right words and phrases to start your writing
  • Writing in the Enem – Step by step
  • How to write an essay about fake news

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