Fireflies are disappearing

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Fireflies are insects of the Lampyridae family, known for their ability to produce bioluminescent light. They are found in many parts of the world, especially in tropical and temperate areas.

The light emitted by fireflies is an example of bioluminescence, a chemical process involving the conversion of chemical energy into light. The bad news is that these animals are rapidly disappearing all over the world. But do you know why this is happening?

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Learn more about fireflies

Fireflies often use their light to attract mates for mating, as well as to communicate with other individuals of the same species. Each species of firefly has a unique light pattern, which helps in identifying and choosing mates.

Most of these insects prefer warm, humid environments with almost still water, such as fields, forests and swamps. Unfortunately, some firefly species are endangered due to habitat loss and environmental carbon.

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Artificial light can interfere with their reproduction cycle and confuse them, in addition to reducing the amount of insects they can capture for food.

Building houses, paving green areas and draining swamps are destroying the fireflies' natural habitat.

Pesticides and fireflies

Fireflies are sensitive to chemicals toxic, including pesticides, and can be killed or harmed by them. This can have a significant impact on the firefly population, as well as other animals that prey on them, such as birds and bats.

Although adults have a short lifespan of less than a month, larvae can live in water for up to two years and are affected by chemical runoff.

When habitats are pumped, drained, dug or sprayed, larvae die and firefly populations suffer even more.

Actions that can protect and preserve fireflies

Install water features in your garden, such as a fountain, pond, or small stream.

Also, allow the logs in your garden to rot, as fireflies spend most of their time their lives in larval stages and rotten trunks provide an ideal environment for their reproduction and growth.

Another important tip is to turn off the outside lights at night, as they can confuse the fireflies when they are trying to mate. Also stop using chemicals on the lawn, as these can harm the health of fireflies.

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