Inep launches public notice for hiring translators

The National Institute of Educational Studies and Research Anísio Teixeira (Inep) published the Public Call Notice for the registration of translators. To participate, you must have a degree in translation or a bachelor's degree in Literature (English, Spanish or French) recognized by the Ministry of Education (MEC).

It is also necessary to reach a minimum score in the complementary requirements demanded by the Notice, related to: academic background; professional experience in the last five years; complementary training in the last 10 years and performance of scientific production in the last five years. Registration runs from January 28 to February 15, exclusively via the internet, in the National Items Bank System (BNI).

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In addition to the required undergraduate specialties, participants must have computer skills to access, edit and perform services on internet platforms. Nor can they be part of the effective or commissioned servants of MEC, Inep, Capes, FNDE, CNPq and Finep.

Another condition is not to own a private teaching establishment whose purpose coincides or the activity reflects the object of the Public Call.


The registration will only be validated if the professionals fill in all the requested information correctly. In addition, documents proving the required higher education and complementary documents must be attached. They must also declare the veracity of the information provided. The final result of the public call will be announced on March 25, 2019.

Candidates registered and not selected to participate in an event at Inep will remain with their registration active. In addition, they may be invited to participate in projects within the period of validity of the Public Notice.

The accredited ones are able to carry out the activities described in the public notice. They will be triggered according to the needs of the schedules determined by Inep and according to the performance evaluation to which everyone is now subject.

For more information about the public call, access the announcement made available by Inep: PUBLIC NOTICE 4/2019

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