SENAR opens registration for 50 free professionalization courses


The National Rural Apprenticeship Service (SENAR-SC) opened enrollment for 50 free courses. Around 800 professionals from rural areas will benefit.

Per Rafael Miranda
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O National Rural Learning Service (SENAR-SC) registration for 50 free courses was opened. The agency is linked to the Federation of Agriculture of the State of Santa Catarina (Faesc).

Around 800 professionals from rural areas will benefit. The goal is to bring professionalism to the field. The courses are aimed at generating income and competitiveness in the job market. In addition, they offer conditions for permanence in rural areas, producing efficiently and profitably.

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Producers and rural workers across the state have access to training. To participate, producers must contact the Rural Union of their municipality. They must inform the course of interest.

The training courses are available on the SENAR-SC website,, specifying the workload, location and date.

Among the training programs planned for the region is that of organic horticulture in Florianópolis. The municipality of Rio Fortuna will have training in issuing electronic invoices for rural producers.

The same course will be offered in Jacinto Machado. During the month of March, qualification in rural digital inclusion takes place in Tubarão. Training in handicrafts with painting will be promoted during the period in Santa Rosa de Lima.

Check out the full list:

Free CoursesSenar CoursesSENARSENAR-SC
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