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Getting around by public transport, going to the movies, shows, theaters, in short, may seem like ordinary things. However, for low-income youth, reality is not as simple as that. Therefore, the Federal Government makes the Youth Identity (ID Jovem) available.

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The document facilitates access to cultural and sporting events and urban public transport. In practice, ID Jovem aims to make these services cheaper.

Adolescents and young people aged between 15 and 29 can access the benefit. In addition, it is necessary to prove family income of up to two minimum wages. Currently, there are 2.1 million people who hold the ID Jovem.

The document provides conditions for payment of “half price” in the aforementioned events. It also provides discounts for public transport.

To create your ID, you must be registered in the Single Registry (CadÚnico) of the Federal Government.

How to check if you already have a registration in CadÚnico:

The Cadastro Único (CadÚnico) is a government program that collects personal and labor data. In this way, the Government can identify and support those in need.

There are three ways to access the information:

1 – Website:

Access the Meu CadÚnico website.

Fill in the form with your full name and click on “Issue”.

2 – Application:

Download the CadÚnico app.

Fill out the same form on the website and verify the information.

3 – Telephone:

Call 0800 707-2003. Select option 5. Opening hours are from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm, Monday to Friday, and from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekends and holidays.

Even providing benefits, many Brazilians who could have access did not enroll in the program. To validate your rights, you need to look for a unit of the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) in your city. The Center is responsible for inserting and updating data in the federal system.

In order to be duly registered, information about the insured person and the family nucleus will be required. Data such as housing situation, profession, income, education, monthly expenses, among others, need to be provided.

Check the documents required for the CadÚnico:

- Birth certificate;

- Wedding certificate;

- CPF;

– RG;

– Administrative Certificate of Indigenous Birth (RANI);

– Work Card;

– Voter title.

The registration takes 15 days to be analyzed by the public authorities. Afterwards, just contact the CRAS where the registration was carried out. After approval, the Social Identification Number (NIS) will be provided.

How to get the Youth ID?

After being duly enrolled in CadÚnico, the young person needs to download the digital document.

Just download the ID Jovem 2.0 application, available for Android users. Otherwise, it is necessary to access the website Once issued, the document is valid for six months and can be renewed.

Benefits linked to CadÚnico

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