Science discovers drug to slow mental decline in Alzheimer's cases

In the month of September, the New England Journal of Medicine published preliminary information about the existence of a new medicine. Last Wednesday, the 30th, final data on clinical trials show that the treatment Lecanemab tends to reduce mental decline in patients with Alzheimer's disease.

On the part of doctors, the feeling is of great optimism, as it is known that, according to studies, the reduction can reach up to 30% in some cases. These numbers demonstrate enormous progress and give hope about the possibility of curing a disease that affects many people every year.

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For the director of the Center for Research in Dementia at University College London, Nix Fox, the discovery is classified as a "new era of modification of Alzheimer's". “The results came after more than 20 years of extensive research and work by the entire team,” he added.

The drug was developed in a joint venture between Biogen pharmaceuticals, located in the United States, and Eisai, a Japanese company. After completing the creation process, it was found that the drug is capable of reducing the speed of mental decline by 27%.

To arrive at these results, clinical trials were carried out on 1800 patients over a period of about a year and a half. There was a 23% drop compared to patients who received placebo during the testing procedures.

According to the data collected, within a period of 18 months, Lecanemab was able to reduce amyloid markers in cases of early Alzheimer's and also found moderate decline in conditions of cognition and function than in placebo tests, also being studied effects secondary.

It was reported that during the treatment, 13 people died. Of this number, six received the drug and seven, the placebo, however, it was found that none of the deaths has a direct connection with the study and treatment process.

With regard to values, the drug should cost between 10,000 and 30,000 pounds per year. Converting to the euro, it would be between 11,500 and 34,600. Although it is extremely encouraging news, which tends to revolutionize medicine in the treatment of disease, it is known that there are still several steps to be taken for the drug to be used at worldwide.

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