Benefits linked to CadÚnico

Socioeconomic inequality in Brazil is common knowledge and has been present in our society for several years. To alleviate this problem, people who are in a situation of social vulnerability have of social services made available by the government, such as Emergency Aid, Bolsa Família and related. To access them, it is necessary to inform socioeconomic data in the Single Registry for Social Programs (CadÚnico), but not everyone knows that there is a wide variety of benefits linked to the cadunic.

CadÚnico covers a large number of social programs

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Over the years, much has been said about Emergency Assistance, Daycare Assistance, requests for exemption from tenders and, mainly, about Bolsa Família. All items mentioned are benefits intended for those socioeconomically disadvantaged, with the aim of having a fairer society based on income transfer. A very practical way to access these benefits is to participate in CadÚnico, a government database responsible for identifying and validating families that have access to rights.

Benefits of CadÚnico

When only certain types of benefits are more used and cited than others, a wide variety of benefits becomes practically invisible, even more combined with the lack of advertising her. Therefore, it is extremely important to be aware of all the benefits linked to CadÚnico. Check the list:

  • Elderly Card;
  • Bolsa Familia;
  • Popular Phone;
  • Happy Child Program;
  • Exemption from registration fees in public tenders;
  • My home, my life;
  • National Program for Agrarian Reform;
  • ProJovem;
  • Exemption from the ENEM registration fee;
  • Emergency Aid;
  • Food Distribution Action;
  • Continuing Provision Benefit.

To check the complete list, just go to the CadÚnico page on the government website.

CadÚnico registration process

In order for a family to be able to receive benefits from CadÚnico, it is necessary to meet certain requirements. Are they:

  • Proven monthly income of up to half minimum wage per person;
  • Total monthly income of up to three minimum wages.

If the income has values ​​greater than the situations mentioned above, the family must participate in a program linked to CadÚnico.
If the family complies with any of these rules, the registration process requires, on the part of the family representative, the presentation of Voter Registration or CPF. To include the other family members, the representative must present an official document for each member. The list of these documents includes: Voter ID, Birth/Marriage Certificate, RG, CPF or Employment Card.

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