What Does Uploading Mean in Computers? What it is, Concept and Definition

What is the meaning of upload? Although many do not know its meaning, the word 'Upload' is widely used on the internet. The term upload comes from English, and means the act of sending information, or a file.

In this case, the files are sent from our local computers to another remote server. Therefore, when we are uploading, we are sending files.

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We upload daily, as sending a photo via email or saving files to cloud servers are uploads. Just like making a folder of photos on Facebook, posting a photo on Instagram or some other social network.

This is because the files are being sent from a local server (cell phone, computer) to a remote one. And this transfer is usually done through the internet.

Upload x Download

As stated above, upload is the transfer from a local computer to a remote one. Therefore, downloading is the opposite. When downloading files (audio, video, image, document), we are storing them from a remote server to a local computer.

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