Currently the use of credit cards has become increasingly common in people's lives. However, there are some types of purchases that require a high limit and, therefore, the purchase of another card becomes necessary. The customer's score is considered to obtain a higher limit. See below how to increase your score.
Increase your card score
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First, we have to understand that in order to be able to increase your score, you must not have any outstanding debts or debts with a negative name at credit institutions.
For people who manage to increase the score, it is much easier to get credit cards, higher limits and loans.
How can I increase the score?
The score ranges from zero to one thousand, and to have a higher number it is necessary to be within some criteria used by companies, such as:
- Pay your debts on time;
- Always update your financial information at the banks;
- Not having a negative CPF;
- Have a good relationship with creditor companies;
- Contracted credit records, such as cards and loans.
All consumers who meet the requirements mentioned above will definitely have a good score.
How can I know my score?
The score is defined and named by the Serasa Score. It is divided into low, fair, good and excellent. See the scores below and pay attention to your ranking:
- 0 to 300 points: low;
- 301 to 500 points: regular;
- 501 to 700 points: good;
- 701 to 100 points: excellent.
If you want to check your score, just go to the institution's website or download the app on your cell phone, available for both Android and iOS. The score is displayed right on the homepage of the device when it registers on the platform.