Learn how to register for ENEM in 2022

Registration for the National High School Examination (Enem) has recently opened and will be available until May 21 of this year. To access the test, you must register and pay the fee of R$ 85 by May 27. However, many people still have doubts about how to do all the steps to participate in the Exam. In this sense, check out in this article how to register for Enem 2022.

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Find out how to register for Enem 2022

Enem is one of the main tests for those who wish to enter a university, whether public or private. As such, students need to apply correctly to ensure a chance to take the exam at the end of the year.

How to register?

To do this, the first step is to access the Enem website and log in, or register if this is your first time accessing the government page for the Enem. Thus, after verifying that all your personal details are correct, you must fill in the added information such as address and zip code.

By clicking next, you will be faced with the possibility of indicating the need for specialized care for people with disabilities. In this sense, if this is your case, just click on “I need” and follow “next”, if this is not your case, just click on “I don't need” and follow.

The next step is to choose the foreign language modality to take the test, for this, there are two options: English and Spanish. Therefore, you must indicate the one in which you want to take the test. Once this is done, you must inform your level of education, that is, whether you have completed high school or not, as well as the type of school you attended.

Accordingly, you must also complete a socioeconomic questionnaire. At this stage, some options will appear involving topics such as income, schooling, the goods you have at home, among others.

At the end, you must indicate which type of Enem you want to take, printed or digital. It is important to note that at this stage you will no longer be able to make changes, so make sure you indicate the desired modality. In addition, you must also put the state and city that will perform the test. Now just send a photo of yourself for identification on the day of the test and check all the data to click on “send registration”.

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