Enjoying vacations on the internet

In times when you can carry your computer in the palm of your hand, being connected 24 hours a day is just a consequence of the popularization of cell phones and smartphones. In this way, communication via Internet it has become one of the main ways of keeping in touch with the world.

Television, radio, newspaper, camera, games and telephone, all this ended up inside a single instrument: the cell phone. Furthermore, the social networks that spread with the use of this device made the modern world increasingly dependent on the internet.

Thus, the virtual world is no longer just an individual or institutional means of communication to become a way of working and even studying. With the vacation arrival, there is a tendency to spend more time on the internet, especially on social networks or online games.

Being connected is not bad for the student, on the contrary, knowing how to use it, the internet can become a great ally during the holidays to stay informed of the subjects studied in the school. Just carry out a study plan and seek information from the appropriate sources.

taking advantage of the internet

As communication on the world wide web is on the rise, it is from it that the main information about news. The most important facts happening in the world can be seen first hand on the internet, either through news sites or through social media sharing.

Communities created within social networks can be great allies in studying during vacations. In some groups, members are encouraged to participate in surveys and share material with different content to help each other in their studies. There are also some pages with content aimed at the student, such as the Brazil School.

In addition to funny and controversial themes, there are video channels that have already gained fame on the internet and have several tips, including content for studies, an example is the Brazil School Channel on Youtube. The use of the internet offers great convenience and provides relaxation, with the right to study and some laughs.

Using the best artifices, surfing the internet during the vacation period may not be wasted time. On the contrary, it can keep students well informed and facilitate the learning process even outside the classroom.

It is worth remembering that contact with the internet cannot replace traditional means. Teachers' orientations should always come first, in addition to always taking into account the didactic material proposed for each stage of the studies.

So, make the best use of your free time, make friends, stay informed and improve your school performance.
by Rafael Batista
Brazil School Team

Source: Brazil School - https://brasilescola.uol.com.br/ferias/aproveitando-as-ferias-na-internet.htm

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