What are antigens?


Antigens are molecules that infect the body and can activate the immune system of individuals.

Per Denisele Flores
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what are antigens? You antigensare biological molecules that, when introduced into an organism, have the ability to provoke an immune reaction, as they bind to the antibodies and activate the immune system of that individual.

They can be composed of cells, virus and biological or synthetic fluids, which invade our body. At that moment, the body recognizes the antigens as a foreign body and releases antibodies to fight them.

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Each antigen has a specific antibody that is capable of destroying it, this specificity is called a key-key relationship.

To the vaccines they are produced using attenuated antigens of the disease that one wants to fight, as they are expected to activate the immune system without making the person sick.

Antigens and antibodies
Antigens and antibodies

See too:

  • What is pH?
  • What is astigmatism?
  • What is creatinine?
AntibodyAntigenImmune system
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